B’ha’a’lot’cha 5779-2019

“Giving Our Disciples A Firm Grounding” (Revised and updated from B’ha’a’lot’cha 5760-2000) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald   In this week’s parasha, parashat B’ha’a’lot’cha, G-d speaks…

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The Disputation of Paris

The month of June in the year 1240 C.E. was not a good time for the Jews of Europe. The trouble began with a Jewish apostate named Nicholas Donin. Wanting, perhaps, to prove his loyalty…

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Give Them a Choice

There is an oft-cited Midrash (Sifrei, Dvarim 343) describing how God offered the Torah to the other nations of the world before He gave it to the Jewish people at Mount Sinai.…

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A Different Set of Loaves

There are several well-known connections between the holiday of Passover and the holiday of Shavuot. The most obvious of these is that the celebration of Shavuot is dependent on the count…

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Bamidbar 5779-2019

“The Trials of Being a Public Figure” (Revised and updated from Bamidbar 5760-2000) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald   In this week’s parasha, parashat Bamidbar, we encounter a…

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Lions and Jerusalem Day

The original city of Jerusalem, conquered by King David from the Jebusites, is now known as Ir David, situated in the Silwan neighborhood, south of the Temple Mount. Over time, Jerusalem…

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Good Fences Make Good Neighbors?

The term “ghetto” has a sad connotation in Jewish history and a very negative association when referring to certain poor urban areas. The term’s etymology, however, originates from a…

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Kedoshim 5779-2019

“The Revolutionary Idea of Holiness’” (Revised and updated from Kedoshim 5760-2000) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this coming week’s parasha, parashat Kedoshim, we encounter a…

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Hail to the Chief

“A blessing for the czar? Of course. May God bless and keep the czar... far away from us.” So jokes the rabbi of Anatevka during the opening number of Fiddler on the Roof. This was a real…

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Acharei Mot 5779-2019

“The Forbidden Relationships Work Both Ways” (Revised and updated from Acharei Mot 5760-2000) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this coming week’s parasha, parashat Acharei Mot, we…

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