Toledot 5774-2013

"A Revolutionary Definition of Parenthood" by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s parasha, parashat Toledot, opens with a genealogy of the family of Isaac and his wife Rebecca, and the…

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Avoid The Court of Sodom

Every once in a while, there are outlandish news reports that make people shake their heads, sigh, and wonder what the world is coming to. Preposterous stories such as a homeowner being…

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Rachel’s Tomb

Kever Rochel, the Tomb of Rachel, in Bethlehem is considered to be the third holiest site in Jewish tradition, after the Temple Mount and The Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron. The…

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“The Seventh Descendant”

A popular theme among writers of fantasy is the special nature of the seventh son. In works of this genre, this child is often blessed with a natural gift of magic, or a destiny for…

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Room For Creativity

A few years back, The Atlantic Magazine featured a story about a project that came to be known as “Sukkah City” held in New York. Sukkah City challenged architects to create unique sukkot…

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Yom Kippur 5774-2013

“Cheshbon Hanefesh – Introspection” by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald The High Holy Days are meant to be a time of profound introspection. Every person is to review their actions in their…

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Birthday of the World

According to Jewish tradition, this Wednesday night, when Rosh Hashana begins, the world will be 5774 years old. This claim easily stirs up sharp debate. How, it is often asked, can one…

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Forgiveness: An Elul Treat

Many feel that the three hardest words to say are: “I am sorry.” Yet, we all know how very important those words are. Indeed, saying one is sorry, or at least admitting one’s guilt, is a…

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Nitzavim-Vayeilech 5773-2013

"They’re Not Laughing At Me Anymore!" by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s double parashiot, Nitzavim-Vayeilech, Moses gathers all the People of Israel together, re-enters them…

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The Bnei Menashe of India

It is the belief of the Bnei Menashe of Northeastern India that their legendary forefather Manmasi,* was actually Menashe the son of Joseph and that their communities are the remnants of…

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