Offer Assistance

If you are told that someone’s Hebrew name has been changed or that a Hebrew name was added to an individual’s name, try to find out if you can be helpful to them during a time that may…

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His Tricks Were Quite a Treat

It is commonly acknowledged that the magician and escape artist Harry Houdini (1874-1926) set the standard for all performing magicians to come. Many people are also aware of the fact…

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Good Neighbors

When considering a move to a new home, be sure to do your due diligence and inquire whether your prospective neighbors are upstanding individuals. Never underestimate the critical…

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Know Your Matriarchs

Study the Torah and its commentaries to appreciate the special qualities that the Matriarchs possessed. A closer look at the life of our Matriarch Sarah, details a difficult life, one…

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Enhance Your Shabbat

Dedicate quality time to learning the weekly Torah portion on Shabbat to better understand the lives and actions of the Jewish Patriarchs and Matriarchs. We are taught that the actions…

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Know Your Matriarchs

Study this week’s Torah portion of Vayeitzei to appreciate the relationship of the Matriarchs/Sisters, Rachel and Leah. While the biblical narrative surrounding the Matriarchs, Leah and…

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Jews in Mississippi

In honor of "National Mississippi Day," Jewish Treats is proud to share a brief history of the Jews in Mississippi. In 1804, a year after the “Louisiana Purchase” was concluded, the…

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A Special Shabbat

While welcoming Chanukah by lighting the menorah, and Shabbat, by lighting Shabbat candles this afternoon, take a moment to appreciate the special opportunity we have been given to…

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Majority Rules

After the Torah was given, Moses served as the sole judge of the Jewish people until a judicial hierarchy was established at the suggestion of Jethro, Moses’ father-in-law. One judge was…

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The Coming of the Messiah

Pray for the coming of the Messiah, speedily in our days. Citing the Midrash, Rashi, in this week’s Torah portion, Vayechi, explains that our Forefather Jacob wanted to reveal to his…

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