Relative Suffering

In Parashat Vayechi we find the patriarch Jacob saying goodbye, and offering blessings and words of wisdom to his loving family. Before offering parting words to all of his sons, Jacob…

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Goshen, Egypt

After recording the dramatic rendezvous between Joseph and his brothers, Jacob’s move to Egypt and Joseph’s brilliant economic plan, the very last verse in parashat Vayigash records the…

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The Family’s Blood

Today is World Hemophilia Day, designated to raise awareness of the hereditary blood disorder that prevents one’s blood from clotting.  Most forms of hemophilia are passed from…

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Bo 5777-2017

"And the People Bowed their Heads and Prostrated Themselves" by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald Chapter 12 of Exodus, that is found in this week’s parasha, parashat Bo, plays a crucial role in…

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A Comedic Original

“I once wanted to be an atheist, but I gave it up. They don't have any holidays.” Henry “Henny” Youngman (originally Yungman) was the king of the one-liners and was one of the first…

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Excuse Me, Is It Possible…

“Don’t be chutzpadik” is the modern Hebrew equivalent of the classic American parenting admonition: “Don’t be fresh!” and “Don’t talk back!” The challenges of parenting have always…

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“‘Happy are they that keep justice, that do righteousness at all times’ (Psalms 106:3). Our sages ask: Is it possible to do righteousness at all times? ... Rabbi Samuel ben Nahmani said:…

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Sukkot 5769-2008

"The Imperative of Joy" by Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald The festival of Sukkot is known throughout Rabbinic literature as "Z'man Sim'chah'tay'noo," the Time of Our Rejoicing. But joy and…

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Behar-Bechukotai 5766-2006

"The Economics of Torah" by Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald The very last chapter of the book of Leviticus chapter 27, which concludes this week's double parashiot Behar-Bechukotai, focuses on…

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Yitro 5766-2006

"Sanctify Them, Today and Tomorrow" by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week's parasha, parashat Yitro, we read of the great Divine Revelation that took place at Mt. Sinai in the year…

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