Chaim Weizmann
Many of the greatest names in Israeli history belong to leaders of military battles and to eloquent spokespersons who rallied the Jewish people to fight for a modern homeland. Chaim…
In honor of Yom Ha'atzmaut, become familiar with the accomplishments of the State of Israel.
The Jews of Finland
For most European countries, the history of its Jewish presence begins some time in or before the Dark Ages and is accented by varying periods of exile or oppression. Since Jews were not…
Weekly Message,Vayeilech,Nitzavim
Nitzavim-Vayeilech 5771-2011
"Renewing the Covenant" by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s double parashiot, Nitzavim-Vayeilech, Moses, on the last day of his life, dramatically gathers all the people of…
The Battle of Kibbutz Yad Mordechai
At the time of the Declaration of the State of Israel (May 14, 1948), Kibbutz Yad Mordechai was a five year old settlement, ten kilometers south of Ashkelon, just north of the Gaza…
More Than Just Trees
Thousands of blue boxes and a dream that encompassed a nation...that was the foundation of the Jewish National Fund (JNF or Keren Kayemet L'Israel). Today, JNF is best known for its…
Vayishlach 5771-2010
“The Power of a Vow” by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In the second part of this week’s action-packed parasha, parashat Vayishlach, we read of Jacob’s return to Beth-El, the scene of his…
Literacy Resources,Hebrew Resources,Literacy,HebrewUncategorized
Hebrew Reading Crash Course Bonus Class
Hebrew Reading Crash CourseBonus ClassWelcome to NJOP’s Bonus Class for Read Hebrew America’s Hebrew Reading Crash…
ArticlesEditorial,All Audience
December 2001
Table of Contents A Glimmer of Light Read Hebrew America/Canada NJOP Volunteers Boston University Hillel Augusta, GA Governor Pataki Salutes NJOP Sam Domb’s Dedication The…
Magen David Adom
The opportunity to save a life (hatzalat nefashot) is one of those unique events that may never occurs in a person’s lifetime. Today, Jewish Treats salutes those who often risk life and…