This is Chanukah

Tonight, is the eighth and final night of Chanukah. After the flames die down, many households will pack up their menorah and think little of the holiday again until next year. However,…

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A Historical Overview of Jews in Morocco

Jews have lived in Morocco for thousands of years. Jewish nomadic tribes integrated into all aspects of Moroccan life even before the Mohammedan conquest of Morocco, which occurred in the…

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Spiritual Compass

Tomorrow, November 6th, is yet another odd, seemingly random, holiday that has grown out of the internet age: “Marooned without a Compass Day.” While the name of the day may seem quaint…

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The First Rabbi in America

The first ordained rabbi to serve in an American congregation was Rabbi Abraham Joseph Rice (originally Reiss, 1800-1862). After studying in Germany, in Wurzburg and then Fuerth, Rice was…

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The Chazon Ish

Rabbi Avraham Yeshaya Karelitz, known as the Chazon Ish, was considered to be one of the most important rabbinic voices in Europe and Israel in the period before World War II and its…

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Dear Yenta: The Matchmaker (Shadchan)

“Matchmaker, matchmaker / Look through your book / And make me a perfect match…” (Fiddler on the Roof). With the widespread proliferation of internet dating sites such as eharmony,…

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Meet Me At The JCC

If you ask a cross-section of Jews what they associate with the initials “JCC,” you may get a variety of answers. That is because the JCC offers a very large swath of services to a very…

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The Way It’s Tied

Appreciate how every action in Jewish life, even seemingly mundane ones like tying a bow tie on Shabbat, potentially have implications under Jewish law. This Shabbat, the Jewish community…

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American Archivist

Selma Stern-Taeubler (1890-1981) was a natural achiever. Not only was this doctor’s daughter the first woman to be accepted to Baden-Baden’s Gymnasium in Germany, she even graduated from…

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Eikev 5781-2021

“Worshiping G-d with All One’s Heart” (Updated and revised from Eikev 5762-2002) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald Traditional Jewish prayer is a study in contrasts. On the one hand, prayer…

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