Study and Grow

Emulate the great Sephardi Torah scholar, Rabbi Ezra Attiyah, and always set aside time for serious Torah study. For those exploring Jewish study who feel overwhelmed by the breath of…

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Acharei Mot 5782-2022

“The Jewish Method of Achieving Moral Perfection” (Updated and revised from Acharei Mot 5763-2003) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Acharei Mot, we read one…

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Sisterhood Power

Carrie Obendorfer (1872-1961) knew the power, joy and motivation of organized women since her mother founded and led the Cincinnati branch of the National Conference of Jewish Women…

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The Green Mountain State

Aside from Senator Bernie Sanders, Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield – aka “Ben & Jerry’s” – people normally do not associate the Green Mountain State with Jews. Although some scholars date…

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The Elder of Slabodka

A person who chooses to study the history of the development of the twentieth century rabbinic leadership will likely come across the name “Slabodka.” The town for which the renowned…

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Tetzaveh 5782-2022

“The Primacy of Jewish Education” (updated and revised from Tetzaveh 5763-2003) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In last week’s parasha, parashat Terumah, we read of the appeal that was made…

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Divine Presence

As God is everywhere, try and remember that all of our actions are performed in the presence of the Divine. To appreciate the Divine presence in the Mishkan, but perhaps more importantly,…

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Skeptic Questioning

Tomorrow, January 13th, is International Skeptics Day, a day that encourages people to ask questions. Those who are curious might be inclined to ask whether Judaism has any room for…

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B’shalach 5782-2022

“Bringing G-d Home” (updated and revised from B’shalach 5763-2003) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s parasha, parashat B’shalach, contains many historic and dramatic moments. The…

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The Power of Shabbat

Jewish life ebbs and flows around the celebration of Shabbat. The days of the week are labelled by a count toward Shabbat (Sunday is Yom Rishon, the first day; Monday is Yom Shaynee, the…

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