The Jews Of Jamaica

As in many countries of the New World, the Jewish history of Jamaica begins with conversos, the secret Jews who fled Spain. They came to the New World seeking not only new opportunities,…

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Setting an Example

Learn more about philanthropists like Moses Montefiore who not only support, but also perform good deeds on behalf of the Jewish community, and emulate their ways.

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Va’etchanan 5781-2021

“Loving the Land of Israel” (Updated and revised from Va’etchanan 5762-2002) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s Torah portion, parashat Va’etchanan, is an extremely rich parasha.…

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The Month of Av

The months of the Jewish year are called in the Torah by number only (the first month, second month, etc.). Over time, during the exile, the months assumed the names given to them by host…

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Virginia is for Lovers…of Israel

While cities like Charleston, Philadelphia and New York contained Jewish communities during the pre-revolutionary period, Virginia, the largest of the colonies, did not. Individual Jews…

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On the Canadian Prairie

Thirty-three years old at the time of his immigration, Grodno-born Rabbi Israel Isaac Kahanovitch (1872-1945), was called to Winnipeg, Manitoba, after spending a year in Scranton,…

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In Arkansas

Jewish life in Arkansas began in 1825 with the arrival of Abraham Block to the town of Washington in Hempstead County. For Block and his family, however, it was a very lonely Jewish…

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Learn More

Read up on Torah scholars such as Rabbi Shimon Ben Gamliel to better appreciate their significant contribution to Jewish learning and leadership of the Jewish community.

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B’ha’a’lot’cha 5781-2021

“Is This What the Torah Predicted?” (updated and revised from B’ha’a’lot’cha 5762-2002) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s parasha, parashat B’ha’a’lot’cha, contains several…

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The Charleston Synagogue(s)

Charleston, South Carolina is home to one of the oldest Jewish communities in the United States. The 1669 charter for the Carolina Colony explicitly included liberty of conscious for…

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