All That’s Left

August 13th is annually celebrated as “Left Handers Day.” Most Lefties, also known as “southpaws,” due to the orientation of baseball stadiums in regard to the sun, are proud of their…

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Shoftim 5781-2021

“The Torah-the First Environmentally-Friendly Treatise" (updated and revised from Shoftim 5762-2002) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this coming week’s Torah portion, parashat Shoftim,…

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Matot-Masei 5781-2021

“Does the Torah Allow Its Citizens to Take the Law Into Their Own Hands?” (updated and revised from Matot-Masei 5762-2002)  by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald   In parashat Masei, the…

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Fleeing in the New World

The history of the conversos, those Spanish and Portuguese Jews who hid their identities by publicly behaving as observant Catholics, is tragic not only for the horrible auto-de-fes (mass…

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In Celebration of Thirteen Years

Every person has special days in their life that they remember and mark from year to year, such as birthdays and anniversaries. Judaism also marks dates on an annual cycle such as…

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The Final Analysis

After the soul departs, it journeys to the gates of heaven where it must present its case for entry. The Talmud (Shabbat 31a) states, “When an individual is brought before the Heavenly…

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World Sauntering Day

In Jewish life there is great admiration for a character trait known as z’reezut, which is often translated as zealousness. The word z’reezut actually comes from the root…

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Chukat 5781-2021

“The Paradox of the Red Heifer” (updated and revised from Chukat-Balak 5762-2002) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Chukat, we learn of the inscrutable law of…

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It’s Not About The Status

In many, if not most, Jewish parables, the righteous and scholarly are often presented as living in a state of poverty. Indeed, it might often seem as if poverty is an attribute of…

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Who Was Rabbi Akiva?

Akiva ben Yosef was once an ignorant and illiterate shepherd. So poor and downtrodden a figure was Akiva that his extremely wealthy father-in-law disinherited his own daughter, Rachel,…

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