Lecture Series
Israel On Our Minds, Our Minds On Israel
Lately, it seems like Israel is on everyone’s mind. You cannot escape it. It’s on the news, on your social media feeds and may even come up in conversation when talking with friends and colleagues. NJOP has decided that while Israel is in the forefront of our minds, each of us should make time to better educate ourselves, as best we can, and learn more about the history, philosophy and the centrality of the land of Israel in Judaism, in Jewish history and in the world.
To do this, we’ve recorded a series of three fascinating and uplifting classes (each about 45 minutes long) taught by Rabbi Mordechai Becher, a world-renowned scholar, author and sought-after speaker, to help all of us focus our attention on why the painful events that transpired in Israel on October 7, 2023 impact upon the very essence of who we are as Jews and enable ourselves to better spread that message to others. Our hope is that learning about the State of Israel’s rich Jewish history, the land’s role in our religious practices and our historical claims to the land will help foster a stronger connection between the Jewish people and the State of Israel.
This program is dedicated anonymously in memory of Ernest G. and Heidi Kahn, z”l.
(If you are a Rabbi or Jewish educator interested in offering this class to your community, please click here!)
Introduction from Rabbi Mordechai Becher: Israel on Our Minds, Our Minds on Israel
Course instructor Rabbi Becher offers a brief synopsis of the lecture series and what will be discussed in each of the three classes. Judaism's connection to the land of Israel will be explored from a legal, historical, philosophical and ethical perspective.
Israel on Our Minds, Our Minds on Israel: Class One - Israel and Judaism
Explores the centrality of Israel in Jewish thought and religion, and the land's role in the practice of Judaism and the mission of Judaism. It also focuses on the unique spiritual qualities of the land of Israel and its contribution to Jewish thought, practice, prayer and culture.
Israel on Our Minds, Our Minds on Israel: Class Two- Israel and the Jews
Traces the Jewish historical and national connection to the land of Israel. Jewish history and archaeology in Israel, and the yearning for an intimate relationship of the Jews with Israel, through prayer, practice, Torah, Aliyah and development of the land.
Israel on Our Minds, Our Minds on Israel: Class Three- Israel and the World
Focuses on Jewish legal and historical claims to the land of Israel. The origins and legitimacy of the State of Israel and the relationship of the international community to Israel in past and present.
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