Lecture Series

Israel On Our Minds, Our Minds On Israel

Israel is on everyone’s mind. You cannot escape it. It’s on the news, on social media feeds and may even come up in conversation between friends and colleagues. NJOP has decided that while Israel is in the forefront of our minds, we as Jewish educators should make it a point to better educate those around us about Israel and do what we can to teach them more about the history, philosophy and the centrality of the land of Israel in Judaism, in Jewish history and in the world.

NJOP has partnered with world-renowned Jewish educator and author Rabbi Mordechai Becher to help us build a curriculum teaching our communities why the painful events that transpired in Israel on October 7, 2023 impact upon the very essence of who we are as Jews. Our hope is to enable you, our partner organizations, to teach North America’s Jews about the State of Israel’s rich Jewish history and the land’s role in our religious practices and our historical claims to the land will help foster a stronger connection between the Jewish people and the State of Israel and enable them to better spread that message to others.

This program is dedicated anonymously in memory of Ernest G. and Heidi Kahn, z”l.

Click Here to View Samples of the Teaching and Student Course Materials

Below you will find a collection of videos of Rabbi Mordechai Becher himself presenting this lecture series which we believe will be beneficial to any Rabbi or Jewish educator who is interested in bringing this class to their community. In the first video you can view his introduction which offers a glimpse of the subject matter and variety of topics that the lecture series delves into.

Click here to register to offer the program in your community

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