Once again, the State of Israel is under siege having been attacked by terrorists whose very purpose is to inflict pain and suffering upon thousands of innocent victims.
We are devastated by the horrors that have been perpetrated by ruthless terrorists upon thousands of innocent Israelis over the last few days. We deplore the senseless and savage actions of terrorists who have murdered hundreds of Israelis, injured thousands more, and abducted men, women and children, literally pulling them out of their homes.
Our thoughts are with those who have lost loved ones, those praying for the full recovery of the injured, and for the safe return of those who have been abducted.
Jews the world over pray facing Jerusalem. Jews in Jerusalem turn toward the Temple Mount, and Jews on the Temple Mount face the Holy of Holies. The Midrash (Exodus Rabbah 21:4), explains, that the collective prayers of Israel are gathered by an angel from this most Holy place. The angel then carries these prayers up to heaven, and places them as a diadem on God’s crown, imploring the Creator, “God, how can You now refuse the perfect prayers of Your people, Israel?!”
This is the magic of Jewish prayer. We achieve perfection by sharing, by reciting the exact ancient Hebrew prayers of our ancestors, by praying as part of a congregation, and by affirming strongly, through both words and action, that we are part of Klal Yisrael.
We ask that you take a moment to recite at least one chapter of Tehillim, Psalms as part of your prayers for those in the State of Israel.
We recommend Chapters 121 and 130 of Tehillim.
Please also consider dedicating time to study words of Torah and engage in good deeds with the hope that in the merit of these thoughtful and compassionate actions, the Almighty will provide comfort to those in need, bring a refuah shelayma, a speedy and complete recovery to those who have been injured, and to allow those who have been abducted, to safely reunite with their families.
In addition, please consider providing financial support to those critical institutions helping those in Israel most in need.
Please make sure to also participate in the pro-Israel rallies that may be taking place in your community.
May we hear b’sorot tovot, good tidings in the days and weeks to come.
Copyright © 2023 NJOP. All rights reserved.
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