Parents are Teachers
The Parents Are Teachers (P.A.T.) initiative provides schools with a golden opportunity to offer their parent body NJOP’s free programs to engage and empower them to become stronger Jewish role models for their children. NJOP staff members will help you choose from a variety of programs to positively impact your parent body. Let NJOP help you.
Parents are Teachers Programs

The P.A.T. program will give your parent body the opportunity to send a powerful message to their children, namely that Jewish education is a lifelong endeavor. By participating in educational Jewish classes of their own, parents set an example that will help their children realize the beauty of their Jewish heritage.
If you are a parent and would like your children’s school to learn more about our P.A.T. program, please let NJOP know and we will contact the principal directly.
Support for Schools and Teachers
We at NJOP are excited to offer a wide selection of different classes and programs geared toward your parent body. We recognize that now more than ever, it’s critical to empower parents with the ability to assist their children with their studies, and they can once they gain their own basic knowledge in Hebrew literacy, Jewish observance, history and holidays. As part of our Parents Are Teachers initiative, we offer you all the materials, direction and support you’ll need to positively impact your school’s parents. The P.A.T. initiative is available to all schools. Help us help you. We’re ready to work with you or your PTO’s or PTA’s.
To learn more and have an NJOP staff member contact us at [email protected].
Frequently Asked Questions:
What does it cost to run the programs?
Nothing! NJOP will help train your local volunteer teachers and supply all the educational materials necessary for the sessions for both the instructors and participants. In return, we ask only that you provide the names and addresses of the participants so that we may maintain accurate records of how many students are benefiting from NJOP’s work.
What else will NJOP do to help?
NJOP will provide the Teacher’s Guides, marketing materials and e-mails you can use to promote the programs. NJOP will also provide a P.A.T. video for your school to show to parents to encourage their participation in these programs.
What is your next step?
You can apply down below if you are interested in bringing our Parents Are Teachers initiative to your school or would like us to contact you about integrating the P.A.T. curriculum into your existing parent education programs.
Parents Are Teachers Video Presentation