Jewish Treats
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Celebrate our Jewish Distinctiveness
While living in exile among different cultures, we need to be mindful that…
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The First Inquisition
Although it was not the first Inquisition, the Spanish Inquisition* was…
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Learn from History
Recall the sad history of the Spanish Inquisition and the auto-de-fe…
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The World To Come
“This world is like the eve of Shabbat, and Olam Habah (the World to Come)…
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Prepare Early
Prepare today and every Friday for an uplifting Shabbat and thereby treat…
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National Hermit Day
Judaism is not known for encouraging asceticism. While the Torah commands…
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Enjoy the Solitude
Set aside a few quiet minutes each day to appreciate all that you have and…
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Dear Yenta: The Matchmaker (Shadchan)
With the widespread proliferation of internet dating sites such as…
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Be A Shadchan
Do your part. Think about your single friends and consider suggesting…
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The Flying Rabbi
Today, Jewish Treats presents a short bio of Rabbi Louis Werfel…
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Selfless Dedication
Recognize the selfless dedication of the chaplains who faithfully serve…
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Yonah of Geronah
It is a fact of history that students have frequently been at the center of…
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Worth The Time
Study The Guide to the Perplexed, Maimonides’ monumental philosophical…
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The First Pitch
Parashat Noah begins by describing the famous teivah, or ark, that God…
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Noah The Builder
Learn how Noah was both a prime builder and also brought consolation to the…
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Military Trappings
On October 22, 1973, the tenuous ceasefire between the Israelis and the…
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Admirable Practice
Marvel at the strict moral code of conduct of the Israel Defense Force.
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All-American Giver
Mervin Pregulman earned his initial fame as a college football star, but…
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American Appreciation
Take a moment to appreciate the privilege of living in a Malchut Shel…
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White Papers
For those who have studied the history of the return of the Jewish people…
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Know Your History
Take the time to study The White Papers issued by Great Britain which…
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Berlin’s Hildesheimer Rabbinical Seminary
On May 11, 1820, a child was born in Prussia who, as a grown man, would…
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Your Tuition Dollars at Work
Some of the best Yeshivas offer a strong secular curriculum alongside a…
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Connecting the Words
In honor of “Dictionary Day,” Jewish Treats looks at a renowned Jewish…
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Study the Talmud
Devote time this Shabbat to studying the Talmud knowing that there's a…
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A Memorial in the United States
When the cornerstone for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum was…
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There’s More to Learn
Attend a virtual event sponsored by the U.S. Holocaust Museum to learn more…
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The Rebbe from Berdichev
One of the major themes of the recently–observed High Holidays is to…
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The Berdichever
Read up on the The Rebbe of Berdichev ("The Berdichiver") and learn about…
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When one thinks of the common denominator of many of the upscale national…
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