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Know Your Israeli History
Study the history of the leaders of the State of Israel who helped found…
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The Bird of Thanks
On Thanksgiving day, it is customary in the United States to eat a turkey…
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Saying Thanks
Think of ways you can incorporate Jewish thanks (prayers or Psalms) into…
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The Longest 250 Miles: Sadat’s Bold Flight
Imagine America’s foremost enemy addressing a joint session of Congress?…
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First On The Court
Born in 1856, in Louisville, Kentucky, Louis Dembitz Brandeis was the child…
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Jewish Trailblazers
Today, a Jewish Supreme Court Justice does not make headlines for their…
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A Historical Overview of Jews in Morocco
Jews have lived in Morocco for thousands of years. Jewish nomadic tribes…
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Compare and Contrast
Study the history of Moroccan Jewry and compare their experiences to those…
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A Friendly Emperor
On November 17th, in the year 331 C.E., Flavius Claudius Julianus was born.…
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World History and Jewish History
While there is much to learn from world history, it is critical to master…
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Writers in a Terrible Place
“The Day of the Imprisoned Writer” (November 15th) was established by PEN…
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Never Forget
Identify a meaningful way today to remember the Holocaust and pledge to…
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Kindness Day
While giving charity (tzedakah) is an act of kindness (chesed), acts of…
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Lift Their Spirits
Perform a meaningful act of kindness today by calling relatives and…
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The Little Terror
While some athletes are known to be Jewish only because of their…
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Know Your Athletes
Calculate how many Jewish athletes you can name who have been highly…
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In Honor of Veterans Day- A Jewish War Hero Remembered
Sammy Dreben, “The Fighting Jew,” (1878-1925) was a new immigrant from…
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Honor Their Memory
As today is Veterans Day, honor those who fought for, and helped protect…
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Sitting in the House of Commons
On July 26, 1858, Baron Lionel Nathan de Rothschild entered the British…
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Jewish in the House of Commons and Lords
Learn about the Jewish heroes and heroines who, over the years, helped…
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Celebrating with a Parade
Name a Jewish celebration, that is not a wedding, but includes a chuppah,…
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Don’t Miss Out
If you hear of a Hachnassat Sefer Torah (Welcoming of a Torah) clear your…
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Sarah’s Whereabouts Determine Jewish Law
Parashat Vayeira begins with Abraham convalescing after his circumcision.…
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Shabbat Greetings
Although it is currently not prudent to personally host guests, sit outside…
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Picking Up Pigskin
The Jewish dietary laws prohibit Jews from eating any food products derived…
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Ready, Set and Hike!
Ask a family member to join you and toss around the football.
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Women of Vision
Our sages teach that there were seven women famed for their prophecy.…
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Know Your Prophets
Learn more about the female prophets and consider how their words are…
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The Jews of Panama
The history of the Jews in Panama is similar to Jewish history in other…
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