Jewish Treats
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Swiss Jews
A Jewish presence in Switzerland can be traced back to the Middle Ages.…
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Appreciating the Good
If you live in a country such as the United States where kosher slaughter…
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9/11 and Jewish History
The attack on the continental U.S. homeland on September 11, 2001 changed…
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Reflect on This National Day of Remembrance
Spend significant time today remembering the events of 9/11 and/or read…
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Travel With a Jewish Twist
When traveling, find out if there is, or was, a Jewish community at your…
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The Jewish Ghost Town of Utah
As a dry wind blows across the dusty plains just south of Gunnison, Utah, a…
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Happy Birthday Adam
Adam Richard Sandler was born September 9, 1966 in New York City to Judith…
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Jewish Celebrities
Support the work of celebrities and artists who take pride in their…
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Justice, Justice Shall You Pursue
The directive to create a judicial system is set out in this week’s Torah…
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Be aware of the things that affect your judgment of other people and try to…
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Seeking God in Elul
In anticipation of the High Holy Days and during the High Holy Days…
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An Auspicious Time
During this particularly auspicious time leading up to Rosh Hashana and Yom…
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A Gift For Life
Did you know that Jewish law frowns upon elective surgery? After all, as…
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Jewish Ramifications
Consider the Jewish religious view when contemplating elective surgery.
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I Am To My Beloved
The Biblical verse that most epitomizes the emotion of love is: “Anee…
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A Golden Opportunity
Our sages teach us that God makes Himself easily accessible to us during…
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Samuel Gompers, Labor Leader
In honor of Labor Day, Jewish Treats presents a brief biography of Samuel…
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Creating an Effective Workplace
To create a stable and effective work environment, find ways to compromise,…
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Rabbi Shmuel Salant
On the 29th of Av, 1909, Rabbi Shmuel Salant, Jerusalem’s Ashkenazi Chief…
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Extraordinary Role Models
Learn about great pious men and women, so their lives can serve as a model…
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An Interesting Philologist
Language is considered to be one of the unique characteristics of…
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Choose Your Language
Keep in mind that the words you choose should reflect the person you want…
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National Bow Tie Day
Today is Bow Tie Day, which is celebrated annually on August 28th. The bow…
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Look Good and Comply with Jewish Law
Because the long tradition behind Jewish law usually has more grey than…
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What Goes Around, Comes Around
Is there any truth to the popular statement, “What goes around, comes…
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For Its Own Sake
Do not keep a mental tally of how kind, generous and/or compassionate you…
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Using A Live Virus
Mention the polio vaccine and most people think of Jonas Salk. The fact is,…
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Life-saving Cure
Recognize the critical importance of Albert Bruce Sabin’s life-saving…
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Minsk, Pinsk and Dvinsk
Dvinsk, also known as Daugavpils or Duenaburg, is Latvia’s second largest…
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Different Yet Valid Approaches
Study the history of both the Mitnagdic (non-Chassidic) and the Chassidic…
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