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What Happened in SHUM?
While most people know about the horrors of the Crusades, many do not…
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How Fortunate We Are
A study of the atrocities that befell the Jews of the Middle Ages in…
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The History of the Knesset
The founders of the State of Israel did not have much time to set up and…
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The Knesset
To understand the development of the Israeli parliamentary system in the…
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Ethics of the Fathers
Ethics – it’s a big word in our day and age. Between political corruption…
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Study an Ethical Blueprint
Join thousands who will be studying the second chapter of Ethics of our…
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Remembering Bergen-Belsen
The spring brings with it annual anniversaries that mark the liberation of…
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Gedenken – Remember
Be sure to study and never forget the horrors that were perpetrated by the…
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Yom Ha’atzmaut – Israel’s Independence Day
On the fifth day of the Hebrew month of Iyar, in the year 5708,…
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Give Thanks
Take a moment to appreciate what Israel’s independence as the Jewish…
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Israel’s Memorial Day
The State of Israel’s independence, as well as its continued survival, is a…
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A Moment of Reflection
Take a moment and reflect on the heroic contributions and self-sacrifice on…
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A Wellspring of Technology
If you follow @JewishTweets or are a Facebook follower of Jewish Treats,…
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Tech Training Ground
Marvel at the incredible accomplishments of many of Israel’s scientists and…
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A Brief History of the Jews of Georgia
Located between Russia and Turkey, at the intersection of Europe and Asia,…
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Know Your History
Study the Jewish history of the country of Georgia which dates back to at…
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Einstein’s Jewish Life
Albert Einstein, whose yahrzeit is the 26th of Nissan (today), is one of…
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Learn More
Study the history of Albert Einstein to better appreciate not only for his…
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Yom Ha’shoah, Holocaust Memorial Day
Yom Ha’shoah, is usually observed each year on the 27th of Nissan. Jews…
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Make a Memory
If you have a family member or know someone who is a Holocaust survivor, be…
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Great Scots
The story of the great masses of Eastern European Jews who arrived in New…
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Don Your Tartan
Learn about the Jewish history of Scotland and the approval and issuance of…
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Isru Chag
The day after vacation is often a time of distraction and disorientation.…
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Celebrate Isru Chag
Take some of the uplifting elements of the Passover experience and enjoy a…
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The Song of Songs
“Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth, for your love is better than…
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Prepare for the Final Celebratory Days of Passover
The seventh day of Passover, which begins tonight, recalls the splitting of…
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Seven Days to the Sea
The Passover celebration lasts seven days (eight days, outside of Israel).…
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Remember the Miracles
As we celebrate Passover, we should be mindful of the miraculous events…
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Singing Praises
“…The prophets of the Jewish people ordained that the Hallel (Psalms of…
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In Full Voice
If you’re unable to attend services over Passover, take a moment to read…
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