Jewish Treats
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The Final Analysis
After the soul departs, it journeys to the gates of heaven where it must…
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How Will You Answer
According to the Talmud, when the soul departs and we take leave of this…
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Jokes On Us
In honor of the upcoming “Joke Day” which is on July 1st: “Knock. Knock”…
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Plan Ahead
Use this coming Thursday, Joke Day as an opportunity to lift people’s…
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Virginia is for Lovers…of Israel
While cities like Charleston, Philadelphia and New York contained Jewish…
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Best Place to Live
Appreciate how Thomas Jefferson’s efforts to author Virginia’s Statute of…
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Smashing the Tablets
The sages declare that five tragedies occurred on the Seventeenth of…
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The Three Weeks
Sunday, the Seventeenth of Tammuz, is the beginning of a period known as…
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Protecting Widows
Today, June 23rd is the official date recognized by the United Nations as…
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Treat with Dignity
On International Widows Day, be especially careful to adhere to the Torah’s…
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On the Canadian Prairie
Thirty-three years old at the time of his immigration, Grodno-born Rabbi…
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Those Who Made the Difference
Learn about the rabbis who were instrumental in building many of the…
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Flexible Invention
This summer you will probably enjoy a plethora of cold, refreshing drinks…
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Use your God-given talents to innovate and create something new that will…
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World Sauntering Day
In Jewish life there is great admiration for a character trait known as…
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Get Ready for Shabbat
Employ z'reezut, deliberate speed today so you will be able to saunter and…
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Eat Your Vegetables
In Pirkei Avot (Ethics of the Fathers 3:21), the sages declare that without…
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The Food We Eat
Reciting blessings over food provides us with an opportunity to think about…
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The Disputation of Paris
The month of June in the year 1240 C.E. was not a good time for the Jews of…
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How Fortunate
Consider how fortunate we are today to be able to study the Talmud freely…
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In Arkansas
Jewish life in Arkansas began in 1825 with the arrival of Abraham Block to…
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Making a Difference
Appreciate the actions taken by individuals and Jewish organizations to…
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Making it Transfusable
Today is World Blood Day, and Jewish Treats takes a brief look at the…
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They Saved Lives
Learn more about Jewish researchers like Karl Landsteiner, Alexander…
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It’s Not About The Status
In many, if not most, Jewish parables, the righteous and scholarly are…
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Spiritual Matters
Appreciate the goodness in your life and focus more on spiritual, rather…
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The Might of the Pen
The fact that today is “National Ballpoint Pen Day” offers Jewish Treats…
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Hold on to Your Ballpoint
While it has become more common today to record your “to do” list on your…
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Latrun: Battles for the Hilltop
Today, the hilltop of Latrun, just 15 kilometers west of Jerusalem, is a…
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Recognize the Good
Recognize how fortunate we are that for a people who had wandered stateless…
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