Jewish Treats
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Mourning Jerusalem I: A Brief History of the First Temple
This coming Saturday night and Sunday, Jews the world over will be…
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Learning From Prior Mistakes
Study the mistakes made by our ancestors to gain an appreciation of the…
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Magen David Adom
The opportunity to save a life (hatzalat nefashot) is one of those unique…
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Save a Life
If you are able, train to become an EMT or paramedic in order to help…
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Rashi and The Tosafot Commentaries
One of the most fascinating aspects of Jewish study are the layer upon…
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Gain Clarity and Wisdom
To gain clarity and a deeper understanding of a passage in the Talmud, be…
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The Month of Av
The months of the Jewish year are called in the Torah by number only (the…
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Preparing for the Nine Days
The Mishna, in Tractate Ta’anit 27b, teaches that when the month of Av…
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Herzl’s Vision of Haifa
International air travel today can be frustrating, annoying and…
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A Port to Be Reckoned With
Recognize how Theodor Herzl’s vision of Haifa becoming a commercial port…
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Always (Kosher) Coca Cola!
I’d bet you never heard of the Pemberton Medicine Company! Perhaps you have…
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Is it Kosher?
Be sure to always check for proper kosher certification on a food item,…
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Fleeing in the New World
The history of the conversos, those Spanish and Portuguese Jews who hid…
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In Secret
Learn more about the trials and tribulations of the Sephardic Jews living…
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Jews and the American Revolution
In honor of July 4, Independence Day, Jewish Treats would like to share…
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Jewish Contributions to a Fledgling Nation
Study American history and appreciate the many contributions made by…
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Does the Torah Support the Belief in Extraterrestrial Life?
Today, July 2nd, is celebrated, worldwide, as “World UFO Day.” On July 2,…
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Make a Difference in This World
Study Torah and find ways to improve and perfect the world that we inhabit.…
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Appointed by Trudeau
In honor of Canada Day (July 1st), Jewish Treats proudly presents a brief…
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Happy Canada Day
Recognize the many positive contributions that Jewish Canadians have made…
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In Celebration of Thirteen Years
Every person has special days in their life that they remember and mark…
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Share The Wealth
If you enjoy receiving Jewish Treats every day, forward them to your…
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The Final Analysis
After the soul departs, it journeys to the gates of heaven where it must…
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How Will You Answer
According to the Talmud, when the soul departs and we take leave of this…
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Jokes On Us
In honor of the upcoming “Joke Day” which is on July 1st: “Knock. Knock”…
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Plan Ahead
Use this coming Thursday, Joke Day as an opportunity to lift people’s…
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Virginia is for Lovers…of Israel
While cities like Charleston, Philadelphia and New York contained Jewish…
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Best Place to Live
Appreciate how Thomas Jefferson’s efforts to author Virginia’s Statute of…
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Smashing the Tablets
The sages declare that five tragedies occurred on the Seventeenth of…
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The Three Weeks
Sunday, the Seventeenth of Tammuz, is the beginning of a period known as…
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