Jewish Treats
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Get Ready for Purim
To prepare for Purim, register today to attend NJOP Director Rabbi Ephraim…
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Live Long And Prosper
Every “Trekkie” knows that Spock’s Vulcan salutation is accompanied by a…
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Popular Culture References
Express Jewish pride when popular cultural references find their source in…
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What Wood?
A large portion of the Book of Exodus describes the lengthy instructions…
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Study the Weekly Portion
Set aside time each week to explore the weekly Torah portion to uncover the…
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The Founder of the House of Rothschild
The name Rothschild echoes with a sense of wealth and fame. The House of…
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Worldwide Jewish Community
When traveling, explore the Jewish institutions in the particular locale…
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Humble Bee
February 22nd has been declared “Be Humble Day,” a “holiday” that most…
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Set an Example
Lead by example by emulating Moses, the greatest of all leaders, who the…
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When Adar Begins
The month of Adar begins tonight. About Adar, the twelfth month of the…
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Increase Your Joy
Put a spring in your step as we look forward to the new month of Adar that…
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Presidents’ Day: The Jews and Martin Van Buren
In 1840, the news of the terrible fate of the Jewish community of Damascus…
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Be Thankful for Freedom of Religious Practice
Appreciate the United States and its presidents who have taken public…
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Random Acts of Kindness
An entire generation of North Americans hear the words “random acts of…
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Make a Difference
In honor of Random Acts of Kindness Day, which falls out today, make a…
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Rabbi Israel Salanter and the Mussar Movement
The Mussar movement, the formal study and program of ethical improvement,…
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Character Development
Devote time to character development and improvement as it is one of life’s…
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Celebrating with a Parade
Name a Jewish celebration that is not a wedding, but still includes a…
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Attend and Celebrate!
If you hear of a Hachnassat Sefer Torah (Welcoming of a Torah) taking place…
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Women of Vision
Our sages teach that there were seven women famed for their prophecy.…
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Know Your Prophets
Learn more about the female prophets and consider how their words and their…
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Thoughts for the Heart
In honor of American Heart Month, and because caring for one’s health is…
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Eat Your Vegetables
Enjoy a hearty salad or vegetable soup packed with vegetables to improve…
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Jethro’s Tell
Great leaders are often those who are able to accept criticism. It seems to…
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Listen Up
Accepting criticism is never easy, but if it’s offered in a respectful way…
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Oh, My Aching Tooth
On some lists of quaint holidays celebrated in the month of February, today…
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Start Brushing and Flossing
The Torah teaches us v’nishmartem m’od l’nafshoteichem, to be most careful…
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Martin Buber
I and Thou (Ich und Du), the best-known philosophical work of Martin Buber…
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In Conversation
Whenever you sit down to enjoy a meal with family, talk about how you can…
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On the Wings of Eagles
In parashat Yitro, this week’s Torah portion, God instructs Moses to…
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