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Birkat Hamazon
Have you ever forgotten to tip the waiter after eating at a restaurant?…
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Raise Your Voice
At your Shabbat meal, sing Birkat Ha'mazon aloud together with your guests.
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The Law of the Land
For nearly 2000 years, the Jewish people have been in exile. During this…
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Seat Belts and Cell Phones
Obey your local traffic laws, staying safe is a mitzvah from which everyone…
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Tu b’Av And The Offering Of Wood
Tu b'Av, the fifteenth of Av, was celebrated in ancient times by unmarried…
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Modern Day Tu b’Av
If you are single and looking, check out some of the internet's modern day…
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The Writing On The Wall – The idiom with Jewish roots
After the great financial chaos of the last year, many people wonder why…
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Kindness in the Office
Offer to take a new co-worker out for coffee and fill them in about what…
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Sir Moses Montefiore
Sir Moses Montefiore (1784-1885) had an extraordinary impact on the world.…
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Little Acts of Charity
Choose a local organization and commit yourself to supporting it on a…
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Shabbat Nachamu
The Shabbat following Tisha b’Av (the ninth of the Av) is called Shabbat…
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A Shabbat Discussion
This Shabbat, talk about the incredible history of the Jewish people - how…
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The Book of Lamentations
On Tisha b'Av, the ninth of Av, one of the ways that the Jewish people…
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Read the poetry of the Book of Lamentations and try to envision the depth…
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The Giving Of The Get
Just as a Jewish marriage requires a ketubah (marriage contract), so too a…
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Total Closure
If you are divorced from a Jewish spouse, make certain a proper get was…
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Sitting Shiva
Sitting shiva is the Jewish method of mourning the dead. A person has…
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Shabbat Chazon
This Shabbat is Shabbat Chazon, the Sabbath of the Vision (prophecy), named…
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Don’t Give Up
When dealing with difficult people, take a deep breath and be patient.
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The Words Are The Things
In Hebrew, the Book of Deuteronomy is known as Sefer D’varim. Its name is…
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Opinion Point
Be careful not to diminish another's joy in an achievement or new item by…
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The Miracles of the Temple
The Jewish liturgy is filled with reminders of how we should mourn the loss…
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Good neighbors
The Torah says it best: Love your neighbor as yourself (Leviticus 19:18).
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Fear Your Mother?
"Honor your father and your mother" (Exodus 20:12) is the fifth of the Ten…
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Dinner For Three?
Show your appreciation, take your parents out to dinner.
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The Great Disputation
Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman (Ramban/Nachmanides c. 1194-1270) was one of the…
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Point Them In The Right Direction
If you see tourists who appear to be lost, offer to give them directions.
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Carrying On Shabbat
The last of the 39 melachot (creative works prohibited on Shabbat) is that…
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Empty Your Pockets
Before you go out for a Shabbat walk, empty your pockets.
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