Jewish Treats
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A Controversial Prayer
The final prayer recited at all three daily prayer services is Aleinu, a…
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Getting Married Again
Pharaoh, fearing the birth of the predicted “saviour” of the Israelites,…
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A Friend In Need
Lend an ear to a friend in need, but be careful that any advice you give is…
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Finders Keepers
After a visit from a close friend, a woman finds a gold bracelet on her…
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Attention to Detail
Pay attention to the objects you pick up from your desk; make sure they are…
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Seeking God in Elul
Psalm 27 is read twice daily from the beginning of the month of Elul…
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Early Morning Reading
Take two minutes each morning (until the end of the holiday of Sukkot,…
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The Three Prayers
Our sages teach us that each of the three daily prayer services were…
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Thank You, Thank You, Thank You
Find time throughout the day to connect with God.
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I Am To My Beloved…
The Torah verse that epitomizes the emotions of love is: “Anee l’dodi…
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Time for “Us”
Spend the evening celebrating your relationship with God...and have a…
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Rosh Chodesh
The very first commandment that was given to the entire Jewish nation was…
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In Honor of the New Month
Do something special in honor of Rosh Chodesh: have a special dinner, get…
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Jewish Kings For 200
It is normal for people to desire a structured government. In ancient…
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Act Like Royalty
Every Jew is considered the son or daughter of the King and should try…
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Simeon, the Son of Jacob
Leah named her second son Simeon (ben Jacob), saying “Because God has heard…
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Think First
Before acting on a major decision, think about how your actions will effect…
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Heard About the Jews in Suriname?
Located on the north-east coast of South America, Suriname has a small…
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Shut The Tap
Conserve water! Taking care of the world is a mitzvah everyone can do!
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Express the joy of Shabbat by singing. You can even make up your own song.
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Sing the Songs of Shabbat
Music is said to raise a person’s spirit (Berachot 57b), and there is no…
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Get Them Checked
If you own a pair of tefillin, have them checked by a local sofer (scribe)…
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“If It Walks Like A Duck…”
There is a famous statement attributed to the American writer James…
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Researched Giving
When deciding which charities to give to, spend a few minutes to make…
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Redeeming the Captive
If you’re a fan of swashbuckling historical romance novels, then you’ll…
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A Friendly Face
When someone you know is going through a rough patch, be their friend…
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Shiva Call
Consoling the mourner (often referred to as paying a shiva call) is…
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Condolences By Phone
If you are unable to pay a shiva visit, call and offer your…
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