Jewish Treats
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Give Them A Choice
There is an oft-cited Midrash (Sifrei, Dvarim 343) describing how God…
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Happy Holiday
NJOP and Jewish Treats wish you and yours a beautiful Shavuot holiday.
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Preparing for the Torah
Shortly after the Israelites encamped at the base of Mount Sinai, they…
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The Littlest Mountain
When the Israelites were gathered at Mount Sinai, God gave them the…
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For A Memorial
This year Shavuot and Memorial Day overlap. Use the time to remember…
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Day of Distinction
On the first day of Sivan in the year 2448 (Jewish calendar), only seven…
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Take Two Tablets
Most artistic representations of the Ten Commandments present two…
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The Feast of Weeks
Shavuot, which we begin celebrating Saturday night (May 23rd), is the only…
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Whose First Fruits
When the Oral Law was first codified, most Jews lived in agrarian settings.…
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All Blessings
As Shavuot approaches, take the time to thank God for the gifts He has…
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Green Cheesecake at Midnight
The holiday of Shavuot has three well-known, and well-loved, customs:…
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In the Wilderness
The Torah was given to the Jewish nation in the midst of the wilderness on…
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The Name Jerusalem
Initially, King David ruled from Hebron, but Hebron was not the ideal…
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King David’s Day
According to tradition, King David was born and died on Shavuot. To try and…
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Math and Science
Born in Bialystock on March 31, 1810, Hayyim Selig Slonimski completed…
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Science Talk for Shabbat
This Shabbat, talk about the ways Torah and science are symbiotic.
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The Eternal Study
In just over a week, Jewish people around the world will celebrate the…
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The Shemittah Food Co-Op
In the land of Israel today, they are well into the year of Shemittah (the…
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Thank You Nurses
Today, May 12, is International Nurses Day, and so, today, Jewish Treats…
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Thanks to All
Remember to express your gratitude to all people who assist you, no matter…
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The Second Commandment
You shall have no other gods before Me. You shall not make for yourself a…
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Spring, Spring, Spring
Celebrate spring by praising the beauty of God's creation.
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Thank You, Mom
In honor of all our favorite Jewish Mothers, we've decided to re-Treat this…
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Mom Share
Share this Treat with the mothers in your life (and, where appropriate,…
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Why Honoring Your Parents is About Much More than the Parents
At one point or another, almost every parent (religious or not) quotes the…
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