Jewish Treats
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A Word or Two
When you see someone working for the benefit of society, take a moment and…
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Stay Cool
As the summer heats up, people everywhere are turning to whatever means…
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Freeze some grapes for a delicious, nutritious and cooling Shabbat treat.
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The Salty Ghettos
It is a fairly well-known fact (perhaps due to Shakespeare’s Merchant of…
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Well Wishes
If a friend is ill, send them a message letting them know that they are in…
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The Might of the Pen
The fact that today is National Ballpoint Pen Day offers Jewish Treats the…
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Summer Camp
The end of the school year is upon us, and across the country, many parents…
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Summer Memories
If you have fond memories of Jewish day camp, make the effort to reconnect…
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Oh Evil Tongue
“Come and see how great the power of an evil tongue is! Whence do we know…
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Resource Sharing
June 5 has been declared World Environment Day by the United Nations. In…
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Being Sensible
When preparing for Shabbat, don't prepare extras if you know they will not…
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All About Abaye
Students of the Talmud, who wrestle with legal arguments and explore Jewish…
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Joy to the Bride and Groom
Have you ever been to a traditional Jewish wedding? At traditional weddings…
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Joy for the Couple
When attending a wedding, focus on the bride and groom enjoying their…
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Anomalies and Interpretations
The writing of a Torah scroll is an incredibly intricate process. To write…
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Think First
Before you complain, think about all the blessings you have in your…
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Living in The Pinch
In honor of the anniversary of Tennessee becoming the 16th state of the…
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Spring Dress
Dress for spring, but remember the Jewish value of modesty (for both…
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Shabbat in the Spring
As spring takes hold of the northern hemisphere, and the hours between…
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Be Strong
For many readers, completing a book leaves one with a variety of feelings.…
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Reading Alone
If you cannot attend Shabbat services, try to review the Torah…
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A Hero of Science
Today’s Treat presents the sad, brief biography of Edward Israel…
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From Them I Learned
Our modern media culture likes to “label” successful people: The richest…
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Thanks for That
When you learn something new from a person, acknowledge it and thank……
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The Book of Ruth
Ruth was the Moabite wife of Machlon, one of the sons of Elimelech and…
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