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It Happened In Argentina
Aside from the destruction of the two Temples in Jerusalem, many tragic…
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Get Out!
The history of the Jews in Europe can almost be read as a timeline of…
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A Unique Olympic Record
The story of Otto Herschmann is one of triumph and tragedy. One of the few…
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Mitzvah With A Shovel
The Jewish customs surrounding death, burial and mourning are woven…
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Respect Never Ends
Remember to always be respectful of those who have departed this world.
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Jewish Judo
If you have tuned in to the Olympics, you have possibly glimpsed scenes…
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Watch With Awe
If you are watching the Olympics, take a moment and contemplate the…
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Powerful Months
“Rab Judah the son of Samuel ben Shilath said in the name of Rav. ‘Just as…
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Beginning Av
Over the next nine days, be extra conscientious in how you interact with…
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Judge Fairly
The Sixth Amendment in the United States’ Bill of Rights (requiring a…
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What’s Fair
Try to remain impartial when hearing the disputes of others.
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The Jews of Kaifeng
Until the late 19th century, the Chinese city of Kaifeng was home to an…
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Summer Smart
Protecting your health is a mitzvah so remember to put on sunscreen if you…
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Uprising At Treblinka
The heinous plans of the Nazis seemed too horrible to be credible. Who…
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At Your Assistance
Pay particular attention to show respect and assist senior members of your…
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Parsing Pilpul
In the world of academia, there is a constant pressure to “publish or…
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Find a Partner
Find a partner with whom to study Jewish texts and thought.
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Make Your Life Interesting
The phrase “May you live in interesting times” references a Chinese curse.…
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Miami Moves
If your second thought (after “hot”) when someone says Miami is “lots of…
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Charitable Intentions
It would be nice if we lived in a world where everyone was honest.…
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KIndly Generous
When giving charity directly, do so with a smile and a kind word.
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Sitting in the House of Commons
On July 26, 1858, Baron Lionel Nathan de Rothschild entered the British…
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A New Martial Art
In his youth, Imri "Imi" Lichtenfeld (1910 - 1998) was a successful boxer,…
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Learning self-defense can help you fulfill the mitzvah of pikuach…
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The Tragedy of the Idol
Ever since Moses saw the Israelites dancing around the Golden Calf and…
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