Jewish Treats
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Giving Time
If you have time available, volunteer at your local hospital.
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Walk This Way
If God has no corporeal form, which is a basic Jewish belief, then why are…
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Be On The Lookout
Be on the lookout for opportunities to do something helpful for another…
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Conscripted for Life?
On August 26, 1827, Czar Nicholas I set into motion the terrible ordeal of…
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“If a man ploughs in the ploughing season, sows in the sowing season, reaps…
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Learn at Lunch
If there are several interested Jews in your office, see if you can arrange…
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Changing Ukraine
Kiev, Odessa, Zhitomyr, Uman...the cities of Ukraine are places marked in…
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Orderly Accounts
Create a separate bank account from which to donate to charity.
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Something Extra In Your Lettuce?
Here’s a delicious-sounding salad: romaine lettuce, spinach, cauliflower,…
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All Generations
According to recent reports, Western civilization is a rapidly aging…
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No Holiday As Joyous
Tu b’Av (The Fifteenth of Av) is no longer the well-known holiday on…
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On the 15th of Av: What Hoshea Did
How can one action be both praiseworthy and unacceptable at the same time?…
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A Comforting Shabbat
Try to go to synagogue and hear the comforting words of the Haftarah…
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Athlete and Architect
When Arnold Guttmann was 13 years old, his father drowned in the Danube…
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King and Queen of Hearts
In Pirkei D’Rabbi Eliezer (a book of Midrash attributed to Rabbi…
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Alone Time
Spend time with the people you love without electronic devices.
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No Chance to Compete
The International Olympics were conceived as a competition meant to foster…
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Make a Stance
Do not look the other way at anti-Semitism, racism or even individual…
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The First Neighborhood
Until the end of the 19th century, the barren hills outside of the 16th…
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Mourning Jerusalem I: A Brief History of the First Temple
Today, Jews all over the world are observing the fast of Tisha…
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Mourning Jerusalem II: A Brief History of the Second Temple
The Babylonian Exile that followed the destruction of the First Temple…
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Tisha B’Av is Tomorrow*
The saddest day on the Jewish calendar, the ninth of Av, is tomorrow.*…
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Elegies (Kinnot)
An elegy is defined as a mournful poem or a lament. In Hebrew, an elegy is…
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Pleasant Shabbat
Although Shabbat is the 9th of Av, mourning is pushed off until the 10th.…
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