Jewish Treats
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Jews in Early Minnesota
It is often surprising to realize just how recent it was that the majority…
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The Second Passover
On the first anniversary of the Exodus from Egypt, the Children of Israel…
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A Bite or Two
This afternoon, enjoy a piece of matzah in honor of Pesach Shaynee.
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Oh Goodness
“He [Rabbi Akiva] said:... The world is judged with goodness, and…
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Watch Your Language
Once upon a time in American culture, defiant children who uttered certain…
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A Rabbi in Mexico
Mexico does not have a particularly long Jewish history due to the presence…
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Top of the Class
Among the scholars quoted in Pirkei Avot/Ethics of the Fathers, are…
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Today I am a Man, Sort Of
In today’s day and age, it is difficult to fathom how the rabbis could deem…
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Community Celebration
Wish mazal tov to families making a simcha (joyous celebration).
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The Tale of Tel Aviv
In honor or Yom Ha’atzmaut, Israel’s Independence Day, Jewish Treats…
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Yom Ha’atzma’ut – Israel’s Independence Day
On the fifth day of the Hebrew month of Iyar, in the year 5708,…
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In the Negev
All wars are tragic and dramatic, but the battles fought in 1948 were all…
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Israel’s Memorial Day
The State of Israel's independence, as well as its continued survival, is a…
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Memorial in Mind
Take a moment out of your day to remember those fallen trying to build a…
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A Midsummer Night’s Shabbat
“Making early Shabbat,” means beginning Shabbat well before sunset. This is…
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Peace To You
Enjoy a day of rest, whether you start Shabbat on time or early, .
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A Math Teacher’s Life
If Irving (Isaac) Adler had not lived during the fervent era of the rise…
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Taking What You Are Taught
Teach the children in your life to value their education.
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In 2000, the World Intellectual Property Organization declared April 26th…
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Share It
When you share the information you learn from Jewish Treats, take…
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Strings of Red
Do an online search for the terms “red string” and “Judaism” and you will…
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Ask For It
Never hesitate to ask God for the things in life that you want, but…
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Fighting Against
In honor of Yom Hashoah, Holocaust Memorial Day, Jewish Treats looks at…
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