Jewish Treats
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For the Children
Dedicate some of your philanthropic funds to supporting orphans and chldren…
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The End of the Tamid Offering
In the year that the Israelites left Egypt, on the 17th day of Tammuz,…
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The Three Weeks
“When Av enters, we must lessen our rejoicing,” declare the Talmudic sages…
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The Fast of the 17th of Tammuz
Everyone knows about Yom Kippur. There are, however, several other fast…
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More Than A Braid
Since the earliest days of record, women have spent time “doing” their…
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Shabbat Garb
Distinguish between Shabbat and weekday by the way you dress.
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After an Incident
If you have ever had a life-endangering moment - a car accident, a severe…
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Curses Turned To Blessings
“How glorious are your tents, Jacob, your dwellings, Israel. As valleys…
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Out of the Mouth
When dealing with a confrontation, think carefully about the words you…
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Solomon Bush and the Revolutionary War
What was the highest rank obtained by a Jewish soldier during the…
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Revolutionary Reflection
Take a moment and reflect on the positive history of Jews in America.
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The Jews of St. Estatius: A Story of the American Revolution
The story of St. Estatius, a small Caribbean Island, brings together a…
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History History
Don't be surprised when Jewish history and American history overlap.
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In Celebration of Nine Years
Every person has special days in their life that they remember and mark…
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Children of Abraham and Sarah
“Children of Israel,” an often used title for the Jewish people, is a name…
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The Effect of the Dead
“All life is sacred!” It’s an important statement that is frequently…
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A Big Mitzvah
Find out what you can do to help your local Jewish burial society.
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The Autonomous Oblast
It might be surprising to learn that the first Jewish “state” was not…
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Older Wisdom
Ask your parents or closest "guardian" for advice on major life decisions.
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Filene’s Credit Union
On June 26, 1934, Congress passed the Federal Credit Union Act, allowing…
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Healthy Lending
If you have the ability to lend money to someone in need, don't hesitate.
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Serving the Public
As proclaimed by the United Nations, June 23rd is “Public Service Day.” In…
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Double Day
Choose something special to wear in honor of the double celebration of…
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Ease On In
If you did not learn to swim as a child, make arrangements to do so this…
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