Jewish Treats
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A Synagogue in Mozambique
Mozambique is not the first place one would expect to find a stately…
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Paying the Pledge
It is easy to pledge money to an organization. There are an astounding…
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Seeking God in Elul
Psalm 27 is read twice daily from the beginning of the month of Elul…
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Morning Moment
During the rest of the month of Elul, add some personal reflection time…
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Samuel Gompers, Labor Leader
In honor of Labor Day, Jewish Treats presents a brief biography of Samuel…
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Keep it Fair: Ox and Donkey
“Fair” is a word we hear very often. From our earliest years, human beings…
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Strength and Talent
When working with people be aware of their unique strengths and talents.
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The Jews of Luxembourg
When the small European nation of Luxembourg became independent in 1815,…
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Don’t Wake Them
If you have ever had a noisy neighbor or lived next door to a construction…
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Shhh Please
Be aware of the amount of noise you create when people in your house are…
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An Interesting Philologist
Language is considered to be one of the unique characteristics of…
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Lovely Language
Keep in mind that the words you choose should reflect the person you want…
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I Am To My Beloved
The Torah verse that epitomizes the emotion of love is: “Anee l’dodi v’dodi…
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Relationship Development
Write a short list of ways you feel you can build your relationship with…
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A Teacher Shrouded in Mystery
In 1956, Uruguay received one of its most interesting Jewish immigrants,…
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Find One
Develop a relationship with someone with whom you can explore Judaism more…
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Leading Ahead
The Talmudic sage Rabbi Meir used to say, "Great is repentance, for on…
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You Are Welcome Here
Be warm and welcoming to people who are new to your community.
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The Jewish Legion
On August 23, 1917, the British government announced that they would create…
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Charitable Places
Designate a specific place or bank account in which to set aside money for…
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The Alarm Clock
New beginnings are often difficult.For those who are not “morning people,”…
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Serious Celebration
Celebrate Rosh Chodesh Elul (the beginning of the month of Elul) with a…
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How the Hechsher? Is it Kosher?
In addition to enabling the mass production of dry goods, clothing and…
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Manners Before Munching
When asking someone about the kosher-standard of food, make certain to ask…
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One might expect the sages to record eclipses as moments of awe, but…
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At the Rebbe’s Table
In a chassidic community, the Rebbe is far more than the decider of Jewish…
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