Jewish Treats
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More Than Material Reflection
Take time during the holiday of Sukkot to reflect on God's hand in your…
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Water, Water Everywhere
Sukkot is considered the holiday on which God determines the world’s water…
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Chol Hamoed
Most holidays in Western society last for a single day, which is often…
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Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday!
Celebrate in the sukkah throughout the interim days of the Sukkot holiday.
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Ushpeezin (Oo’shpee’zin)
During the festival of Sukkot, the sukkah is intended to be our home. For…
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Everyone Does the Wave
One of the main mitzvot of the holiday of Sukkot is the waving of the four…
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Sukkot Sameach
Jewish Treats and NJOP wish you and yours a very joyful Sukkot holiday.
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Room for Creativity
A few years back, The Atlantic Magazine featured a story about a…
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The Perfect Species
At this time of the year, Jews around the globe head out in search of the…
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Somewhere a Sukkah
If you can't make a sukkah of your own, ask the local synagogue if there is…
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The Four Species
The waving of the four species is one of the most beautiful and symbolic…
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Holiday Decorating
During the holiday of Sukkot, Jews live in sukkot (temporary…
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Purchase Point
Contact your local synagogue to ask where you might be able to purchase a…
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But Wait…There’s More
Now that the Jewish people have repented on Yom Kippur and, hopefully,…
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Build Your Own Sukkah
Webster's Dictionary defines a tabernacle as a temporary dwelling,…
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Make a Place
If you have the space, build a sukkah and celebrate this joy-filled holiday…
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For The Sin We Committed
One of the main steps in the process of teshuva (repentance) is…
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Neilah: The Final Service
While one may make requests of God or atone for transgressions at any time…
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Remember the importance of sincerity as you observe this Yom Kippur.
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All Vows
Yom Kippur begins this evening before sunset with the recitation…
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Like Clay in the Hand of the Potter
One of the most metaphoric and beautiful piyuttim (poems)…
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The Food of Yom Kippur
Food on Yom Kippur? Isn’t Yom Kippur the most famous fast day on the Jewish…
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All Set
Make arrangements for Yom Kippur: buy food for before and after the fast,…
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Celebrate and Enjoy
Jewish Treats and NJOP wish you a meaningful and fun Shemini…
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The Jewish people have often been cast as the proverbial "scapegoat." When…
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Lose the Leather
Once a year, Jews around the world make a unique, and not always…
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Credit Where
Accept responsibility for both that which you may have done wrong and that…
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Inside Prayer
Jewish prayer is a complex, multi-layered activity. The sages refer to…
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