Jewish Treats
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Who Knows One?
How does one transmit basic theology in a fun manner to tired seder guests?…
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Sentimental Purchase
Purchase an item for Passover that will make you feel like royalty.
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The Passover Story in Brief
On Passover, we commemorate the exodus from Egyptian slavery. The following…
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Time of Freedom?
The sages refer to the holiday of Passover as Zman Chay’roo’tay’noo,…
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Have Haggadah
Confirm that you have enough Haggadahs for the number of guests that you…
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The Great Shabbat
The Shabbat immediately preceding Passover is known as Shabbat…
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Four Cups of Wine
Like almost all festival meals, the Passover Seder begins…
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Shabbat Review
Spend time this Shabbat reviewing the laws and ideas of Passover.
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The Afikomen
Those who have attended a Passover Seder know that one of the most beloved…
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Cut Off
"...Be as scrupulous in performing a 'minor' mitzvah as a 'major' one, for…
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Beauty of the Book
Illuminated manuscripts inlaid with gold or silver leaf and spectacularly…
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Kitniyot and Gebruchts
Ashkenazi or Sephardi? Hungarian, Yekke (German), Litvak (Lithuanian)? At…
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Eat It Up
Go through your cupboards and begin using up the chametz food…
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Benjamin’s Great Journey
Today, when someone talks about traveling through Europe or Asia, it is…
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Community Variations
Rejoice in the variations of Jewish traditions in different communities.
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Perception of the Eye
Within Jewish law there is a concept known as maarit ayin, which translates…
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Choose to Think
Be conscientious to judge other people as having proper intent.
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A Synagogue Tour
Throughout history, synagogue architecture has been as varied as the latest…
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Connection Point
When in synagogue, allow the unique details of the location to inspire you…
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For The Mothers And Their Children
Sophie Irene Simon Loeb had no children of her own, but she dedicated her…
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Some Support
Be aware of people in your community who need assistance and try to find…
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OMG! Passover is Coming
The intensive physical and emotional preparations for Passover come from…
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Questions Before
Feel free to ask Jewish Treats any questions you have about…
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Educating American Girls
When Vichna Kaplan (1913 - 1986) arrived in America in 1937, her…
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Education Strong
Encourage the Jewish children in your life to continue their Jewish…
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Jews in Mauritius
In the Indian Ocean, just off the coast of Africa, is the island nation of…
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Shabbat, The Heart of Unity
Shabbat is one of the Ten Commandments, and is one of the most frequently…
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Say Shabbat Shalom
Life provides us with a plethora of opportunities to pronounce blessings.…
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