Jewish Treats
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A Brief History of the Jews of Georgia
Located between Russia and Turkey, at the intersection of Europe and Asia,…
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Spirit of Passover
Carry the spirit of Passover into the rest of the year by placing focus on…
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What Not To Buy
The joyous holiday of Passover is now over. While one’s instinct might be…
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What is Isru Chag?
The day after vacation is often a time of distraction and disorientation.…
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Use restocking after Passover as a reason to shop at your local kosher…
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The Song of Songs
Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth, for your love is better than…
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Jews rejoice on Passover to celebrate their redemption from slavery in…
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Time Off To Think
Designate time during the holiday to contemplate the relationship between…
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Two Days of Festival
Leviticus 23:34-36: On the fifteenth day of the seventh month is the Feast…
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Seven Days to the Sea
The Passover celebration lasts seven days (eight days, outside of Israel).…
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Invite Plan
Invite local friends to celebrate the final festival meals with you.
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The Ten Sephirot
Most people associate kabbalah (Jewish mysticism) with…
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How Pharaoh Enslaved the Israelites
While reading the Book of Exodus, one might wonder at the swift descent of…
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Spiritual Hold
Use holidays on the Jewish calendar to increase the spirituality in your…
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Chag Ha’matzot
The name of the holiday “Passover,” is an allusion to God’s passing over…
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Chol Hamoed
Most holidays in Western society last for a single day, which is often…
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Can You Count to 49?
There is a commandment (Leviticus 23:15) to count the 49 days that…
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Setting the Seder Table
Before beginning the Seder, it is important to make certain that everything…
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Happy Holiday
NJOP and Jewish Treats wishes you and yours a wonderful Passover seder and…
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Searching for Chametz
On Passover, Jews are commanded to get rid of all "chametz" (leaven) which…
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Fast of the Firstborn
There has always been a lot of pressure on firstborn children, as they were…
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Everyone In
Get the whole household involved in cleaning for Passover and the search…
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Dipping Plagues
On the night of the seder, and whenever one recounts the story of the…
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Why Laban is in the Haggadah
In honor of the upcoming holiday of Passover, it is time to review the…
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Seek the Answers
The Four Questions (Mah Nishtana - What makes it different?) is…
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Tap on the Head
The history of the Jews of Spain is one of glory and fear. By the end of…
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You Are Royalty
Passover is known as the festival of freedom. And who is more free than…
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