Jewish Treats
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Unsung Heroes
Civilians are unaware of classified acts of heroism by members of the…
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Shabbat Nachamu
The Shabbat following Tisha b’Av (the ninth of the Hebrew month of Av) is…
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Keep The Faith!
Even when in the depths of despair, there is always room for hope and…
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No Holiday as Joyous
Tu b’Av (The Fifteenth of Av) is no longer the well-known holiday on the…
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“Matchmaker, Matchmaker”
If you have friends looking to marry, help by introducing them to one…
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Jews in Christchurch?
When one thinks of the far reaches of the globe, New Zealand should…
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Check Out The Tribe
When traveling to a far-away place, research its Jewish community.
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The Great Disputation
Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman (Ramban/Nachmanides c. 1194-1270) was one of the…
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Learn To Defend The Faith
Read books and articles which defend Judaism and Israel from their…
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Resuming Normalcy
With Tisha b’av and its restrictions behind us, we can now resume our…
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Appreciate Your Spotify!
The invention of recorded music changed the world; now almost any song ever…
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Mourning Jerusalem II: A Brief History of the Second Temple
The Babylonian Exile that followed the destruction of the First Temple…
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Mourning Jerusalem I: A Brief History of the First Temple
Today, Jews all over the world are observing the fast of Tisha b’Av. It is…
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Tisha B’Av
The saddest day on the Jewish calendar, the ninth of Av, is this Shabbat.…
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Shabbat Chazon
This Shabbat is Shabbat Chazon, the Sabbath of the Vision (prophecy), named…
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Rebuke With Love
When having to punish or rebuke, it can still be done with love and…
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The Seventh Of Av
One Scriptural verse (Kings II 25:8-9) notes that the Babylonians came to…
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Fight For Your Beliefs
There are times when we must fight very hard for those things we hold most…
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To Bee Or Not To Bee
Deuteronomy, the fifth book of the Torah written by Moses in first person,…
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Avoid Hate
Train yourself to avoid hating others and basing decisions on that hatred.
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The Gateway Sin
Those who debate the issue of legalizing certain types of drugs, will often…
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Reach Out
Maintain your friendships by speaking to or meeting with, friends on a…
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On One Foot
Jewish Treats was asked to explain the Jewish faith in one tweet. For those…
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Make The Time
The non-Jew in the story seemed ahead of his time. He wanted a crash course…
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The Month of Av
The months of the Jewish year are called in the Torah by number only (the…
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Use Hebrew Dates as Well
Do you know your Hebrew birthday? Try to find it on a Hebrew-English…
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Does Life Begin at 40?
In 1932 Walter Pitkin published his popular self-help book, Life Begins at…
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Punish Fairly
If and when we need to punish for bad action, try to make the punishment…
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Sign Up for Role Modeling
Jewish Treats has addressed the issue of Arei Miklat, cities of refuge, in…
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Always Show Willingness to Explain
Sometimes we need to explain ourselves better, because we were unclear or…
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