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Prayer For The Government
Familiarize yourself with the prayer for the U.S. government (or other…
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A Special Yom Tov
Rabbi Gershon Shaul Yom Tov Lipmann Heller was born in Bavaria, Germany, to…
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Revere Important Family Dates
Every family has its important dates, even those outside of birthdays,…
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The Jews Of Cyprus
The history of the Jews in Cyprus is surprisingly "benign" given the…
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International Jewish Community
Learn about the local Jewish history of areas to which you plan to travel.
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Is It Good To Be The King?
Parashat Shoftim addresses many issues, among them the Jewish…
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With any position of leadership come privileges and responsibilities. If…
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There are certain entertainers who are known by their first name, such as…
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Appreciate the Contributions of the Yiddish Theater
Learn about the Yiddish Theater, which was a staple of the Jewish immigrant…
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Teshuva: To Where Are We Returning?
The process of introspection and repentance in order to accomplish…
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Recall a Better Time
When engaging in introspection during this time of year, try to recall and…
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The Jewish Reveille
The first day of the Hebrew month of Elul, just two days away, brings with…
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Prepare for Judgment
Try to hear the shofar blasts daily during the month of Elul, to help…
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Splitting the Atom
When asked to name a theoretical physicist, the first name to come to many…
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Double Edge Swords
Nuclear power is an example of a concept inherently neutral that can be…
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Should the Stork Be Kosher?
Kosher consumers, even the most tender of age, learn to seek out kosher…
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Kosher Symbols
We should endeavor to teach children both means of identifying kosher…
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Celebrating Bar Ilan University
Would you believe that the founding of Israel’s second largest university…
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Judaic and General Studies
Most often, Judaic and general studies are harmonious and pose no…
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The Jews Of Jamaica
As in many countries of the New World, the Jewish history of Jamaica begins…
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Gratitude for Historical Grace to Jews
Show gratitude to countries that allowed Jews to immigrate when they were…
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The Heel and the Parachute
The title of this week’s parashah, Eikev, is one of the more difficult…
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Value both large and small items!
Consider all types of items important, whether significant, time-consuming,…
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Iraq and the Jews
Much of ancient and modern Jewish history has passed through Iraq. It can…
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Learn Jewish History
When reading news stories about Israel, learn about the history and context…
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People of the (Printed) Book
Johannes Gutenberg, credited as the developer of the printing press,…
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Power of the Printing Press
Today people do not need a printing press to promote their thoughts and…
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Minsk, Pinsk and Dvinsk?
Dvinsk, also known as Daugavpils or Duenaburg, is Latvia’s second largest…
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Remember the Destroyed Communities
In addition to the unimaginable “Six Million” number, we must always…
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Harari. Michael Harari
Most people have never heard the name Michael “Mike” Harari. Given his…
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