Jewish Treats
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Study Jewish History
Studying Jewish history, especially its low points, will aid us in…
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Is Today Rosh Hashana?
A quick perusal of the Jewish calendar will note that today, the first of…
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Learn How to Argue!
Increase civility by expressing opinions, while simultaneously showing…
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Fire and Ice
A news story in June, 2017, reported that a combination of ice and fire…
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Find Modern Day Applications to Biblical Models
Events in the Bible serve as signposts for future generations. Find meaning…
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The Chassidic Rebbe and His Snoopy Tie
On January 3, 2000, the final edition of the “Peanuts” comic strip appeared…
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Learn From Everything
Life lessons and meaningful growth can be culled from almost any source.…
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Duties of the Heart
The concept of “being spiritual” is often assumed to be a fairly recent…
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Study Mussar!
Mussar is the study of ethical teachings, that are geared to spiritual…
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Entry Point
Although immigrants from around the world came through Ellis Island, the…
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Most of us descend from, or are, immigrants!
Learning the stories how our ancestors came to the “New World” help us…
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From Midnight to Noon
Frank Sinatra famously sang that New York is a “city that never sleeps.”…
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Proudly Assert Your Jewishness
At times, even in public, we are called to stand up as Jews.
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Moses’ Mysterious and Mortal Maternity
Moses is arguably the central and most important figure in the Hebrew…
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Jews Only Pray to God
Jewish prayer is only directed to the One and Only God, even if through an…
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Hail The Accuser
In the era of social media, it is almost an everyday occurrence to be asked…
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Pursue Justice:
Judaism greatly values the pursuit of justice, especially when someone is…
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Jewish Boxing Days?
In many countries, especially those associated with the United Kingdom,…
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Tip Generously
Laborers in certain service industries count on gratuities to help support…
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Preacher Man
One does not often associate preachers with Judaism. There are, however,…
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Make Judaism Relevant
To make Torah relevant to our lives today, use allusions to modern day…
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Nittel Nacht
Jews of the 21st century may comment, or even grumble, about the…
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Sensitivity to Jews in Danger
In addition to learning about, and helping, Jews in danger around the…
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Predicting the New Emperor before Exit Polls
On December 21 in the year 69 CE, the Roman Senate declared that Vespasian…
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The Root of Insight
The Talmud serves as more than a Jewish legal text. Insights into more…
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IPO Music
On December 26, 1936, corresponding to the 12th of Tevet, the Palestine…
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Support Israeli Art, Music and Culture
Find ways to support the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra in Israel or…
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Relative Suffering
In Parashat Vayechi we find the patriarch Jacob saying goodbye, and…
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Silver Linings
No matter how down one may feel, it’s both spiritually and emotionally…
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The Tenth of Tevet
And it was in the ninth year of [King Zeddekiah’s] reign, in the tenth…
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