Jewish Treats
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Tip Generously
Laborers in certain service industries count on gratuities to help support…
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Preacher Man
One does not often associate preachers with Judaism. There are, however,…
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Make Judaism Relevant
To make Torah relevant to our lives today, use allusions to modern day…
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Nittel Nacht
Jews of the 21st century may comment, or even grumble, about the…
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Sensitivity to Jews in Danger
In addition to learning about, and helping, Jews in danger around the…
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Predicting the New Emperor before Exit Polls
On December 21 in the year 69 CE, the Roman Senate declared that Vespasian…
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The Root of Insight
The Talmud serves as more than a Jewish legal text. Insights into more…
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IPO Music
On December 26, 1936, corresponding to the 12th of Tevet, the Palestine…
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Support Israeli Art, Music and Culture
Find ways to support the Israeli Philharmonic Orchestra in Israel or…
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Relative Suffering
In Parashat Vayechi we find the patriarch Jacob saying goodbye, and…
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Silver Linings
No matter how down one may feel, it’s both spiritually and emotionally…
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The Tenth of Tevet
And it was in the ninth year of [King Zeddekiah’s] reign, in the tenth…
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Purpose of Fasting
Fasting is meant to help people focus on important issues when tragedy…
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The Source of Leadership
Great leaders can move mountains...or at least, masses of people. Ezra the…
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Master the Biographies of the Great Scriptural Heroes
Learning about the contributions of Biblical characters, such as Ezra the…
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Beauty and the Bess
On December 14, 2014, one of the most talked-about American Jews from the…
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Perform a Tzniyut Inventory
Ask yourself if your words, actions and mode of self-presentation balance…
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The Fast of the Fifth of Tevet
Aside from Yom Kippur, which is mentioned in the Torah, all the other fasts…
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Recalling Pain Can be like Re-living It
Be sensitive to those who recall difficult episodes they have encountered.…
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Goshen, Egypt
After recording the dramatic rendezvous between Joseph and his brothers,…
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Celebrate Your Jewish Distinctiveness
While living in exile among different cultures, in order to perpetuate…
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Individual Jews first came to what is known today as the State of Indiana…
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Learn the Jewish History of Indiana
Before you travel to or through Indiana, learn its rich Jewish history.
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Beauty and the Greeks
What does Noah’s son Yaphet have to do with the story of Chanukah and the…
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Is Chanukah Really Eight Days?
Today is the eighth day of Chanukah, known as “Zot Chanukah,” a reference…
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Make the Most of Chanukah
Although we concluded the eight lightings last night, we still have much…
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“A Day that will Live in Infamy”
In one of the 20th centuries most memorable and impactful speeches, U.S.…
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Thank Veterans and their Families for their Service
Thanking U.S. military veterans greatly benefits the Veteran. Acknowledging…
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Chanukah Yum
While Jewish holidays are known for their food (except Yom Kippur, of…
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The Challenge of Fitting In
The weekly Torah reading of Mikeitz (Genesis 41:1-44:17), which almost…
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