Honor Them
Honor the valiant members of the military who have, and continue to serve,…
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The Month of Mar-Cheshvan
Today is Rosh Chodesh Mar-Cheshvan, the first day of the month of…
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Time to Focus
Since the new month of Mar-Cheshvan does not contain any Jewish holidays,…
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Add Light!
Looking at this week's horrific events in Israel and the tragic loss of…
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Light Shabbat Candles!
Add light to your home by lighting Shabbat candles later today.
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Ezer K’Negdo
Today’s Treat begins with a short, sweet story about the great Tzaddik of…
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Life Partner
Treat your partner like an extension of yourself. If you are single, still…
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Prayers for Israeli Soldiers
These are difficult days for the Jewish people. Vivid print descriptions…
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Taking Responsibility
Take a moment to add a prayer on behalf of the Israeli soldiers who are in…
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A Meaningful Act of Kindness
We are all at a loss of how to deal with the tragic unfolding events in…
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Time to Act
Don't sit on the sidelines. There's much we can do to help our brothers and…
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Israel Under Fire
Once again, the State of Israel is under siege having been attacked by…
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Let’s Do Our Part
Each member of the Jewish community has a critical role to play in support…
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Shemini Atzeret & Simchat Torah
Tonight starts the holiday of Shemini Atzeret, literally the "Gathering of…
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Chag Sameach
NJOP and Jewish Treats wish our friends and followers a hearty Chag Sameach…
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The Great Hoshana
Rosh Hashana is known as the Day of Judgment (Yom Hadin), the day on which…
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Grab the Opportunity
Perform an extra good deed or mitzvah on Hoshana Rabbah to improve your…
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Vanity of Vanities
Most people are unknowingly familiar with the beginning of the third…
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This is the Season
Please click here to study Kohelet over Chol Hamoed Sukkot to keep the joy…
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Singing Praises
“…The prophets of the Jewish people ordained that the Hallel be recited on…
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Holiday Music
One of the ways to celebrate the Jewish holidays, especially Sukkot, the…
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The Sukkot Hoshanot Service
Walk into a traditional synagogue in the middle of morning services during…
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Sukkot Across America
Click here to find out if a location near you will be participating in…
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Everyone Does the Wave
One of the main mitzvot of the holiday of Sukkot is the waving of the Four…
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Joined Together as One
Recognize that the significance of picking up the Four Species together at…
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Ushpeezin (pronounced Oo’shpee’zin)
During the festival of Sukkot, the sukkah is intended to be our home. For…
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Make Everyone Feel Welcome
Aside from welcoming the Ushpeezin, the seven shepherds of Israel to your…
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The Perfect Species
At this time of the year, Jews around the globe head out in search of the…
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Shopping Time
Contact your synagogue or local Jewish community center to find a location…
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Build Your Own Sukkah
Webster’s Dictionary defines a Tabernacle as a temporary dwelling, which is…
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