What a Transformation
With numerous visits each year from commercial tankers, passenger cruise ships, and even the U.S. Navy's Sixth Fleet, Theodor Herzl's vision of Haifa becoming a commercial port has…
Passover 5781-2021
“The Final days of Pesach - Days of Unity” (updated and revised from Passover 5761–2001) by, Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald The fact that the ancient Israelites happened to find…
Passover,Literacy Resources,Judaism,Passover ResourcesLiteracy,Judaism,Passover
The Seder Plate
The Seder Plate With today’s vast variety of Passover products, grape flavored matzah, chocolate covered matzah, and…
Passover 5761-2001
"The Final days of Pesach - Days of Unity" by Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald That the Jews happened to find themselves in Egypt and were enslaved by the Egyptians was not at all coincidence.…
History for Everyone
Barbara Tuchman (née Wertheim), born January 30, 1912, never earned a doctorate in history, but the books that she authored injected new life into the layman’s study and understanding of…
Shemini Atzeret and Simchat Torah
The holiday of Shemini Atzeret, literally the “Gathering of the Eighth,” is a connected, yet independent holiday that immediately follows Sukkot, which begins tonight. During the seven…
Teshuva: To Where Are We Returning?
The process of introspection and repentance in order to accomplish transformation really begins a month before Rosh Hashana, with the advent of the Hebrew month of Elul. During this…
Vayeilech,Nitzavim,Weekly Message
Nitzavim-Vayeilech 5784-2024
“Choosing Life” (updated and revised from Nitzavim-Vayeilech 5763-2003) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald There’s something very distinctive about the arrival of the Jewish New Year. Whenever…
Devarim 5784-2024
“The Book of Deuteronomy-Mishneh Torah and the Purpose of Repetition” (updated and revised from Devarim 5765-2005) by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week’s parasha, parashat Devarim,…
Herzl’s Vision of Haifa
International air travel, especially in recent years, can be frustrating, annoying and anxiety-provoking. Because of the extra costs of traveling to and from airports, navigating the…