One of the names that Rosh Hashana is known by is Yom Hadin, the Day of Judgment, on which God judges every person. Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, is the day on which God finalizes His verdict regarding the judgments of Rosh Hashana.

But actually, the days of judgment are not quite over, as tomorrow is Hoshana Rabbah. According to tradition, as stated in the mystical volume known as Zohar (3:31b): “This [Hoshana Rabbah] is the final day of judgment for water, source of all blessings. On the seventh day of Sukkot the judgment of the world is finalized, and the edicts are sent forth from the King.”

Since it seems that the days of judgment are not truly over until the seventh day of Sukkot, that explains why the tashlich ceremony may be performed until Hoshana Rabbah. What is the connection?

On Rosh Hashana, God determines the fate and fortune of both individuals and communities for the year to come, including exactly how much each person will earn in the coming year. Material endowments are one form of sustenance. On the holiday of Sukkot, however, God determines the world’s water allotment for the year to come.

Since God is still sitting in His heavenly “courtroom” deciding the fate of the world, there is still time to slip in a final appeal or to do an extra act of kindness in the hope of altering the scales of justice favorably.

On Hoshana Rabbah, extra hakafot (circles around the bimah), seven in all, are added to the prayer service, as well as the ritual of beating the willows. In some communities, it is customary to stay up all night studying Torah on the night of Hoshana Rabbah. Additionally, many people eat a light, festive meal in the afternoon of Hoshana Rabbah.

Hoshana Rabbah 5785 begins tonight, Tuesday, and continues through Wednesday.

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