In addition to sumptuous food and playing with friends, it behooves those responsible for children to identify spiritual pursuits for children as well, be they prayers, or Torah study.

One of the strongest means of encouraging children to pursue spiritual pursuits is for their parents to set an example for them by studying Torah themselves, and choosing to live their own lives following the Torah’s precepts.

In the first Mishna of the 6th chapter of Pirkei Avot, Ethics of the Fathers, that will be studied this Shabbat, we are taught: “Whoever studies Torah for Torah’s sake alone, merits many things;…The Torah enclothes him with humility and awe; makes him fit to be righteous, pious, correct and faithful; distances him from sin and brings him close to merit.”

Join thousands around the world who will be studying the sixth chapter of Ethics of our Fathers this Shabbat. Print out your copy before Shabbat and enjoy a truly uplifting learning experience.