Fast of the Firstborns

There has always been a lot of pressure on firstborn children, as they were often expected to care for the family property or business in order to ensure stability within the community.…

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Fast of the Firstborns

There has always been a lot of pressure on firstborn children, as they were often expected to care for the family property or business in order to ensure stability within the community.…

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Fast of the Firstborns

There has always been a lot of pressure on firstborn children, as they were often expected to care for the family property or business in order to ensure stability within the community.…

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Parasha of “The Month”

This Shabbat is Parashat HaChodesh, the Sabbath of “The Month.” The Torah portion that is read as the Maftir (additional Torah reading) after the conclusion of the reading of the regular…

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Fast of the Firstborn

There has always been a lot of pressure on firstborn children, as they were often expected to care for the family property or business in order to ensure stability within the community.…

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Fast of the Firstborn

There has always been a lot of pressure on firstborn children, as they were often expected to care for the family property or business in order to ensure stability within the community.…

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Fast of the Firstborn

There has always been a lot of pressure on firstborn children, as they were often expected to care for the family property or business in order to ensure stability within the community.…

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The Spiritual Inheritance

In the Book of Genesis, the question of birthright is the center of several narratives - most famously that of the twin sons of Isaac and Rebecca. Esau, the elder of the two, willingly…

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Korach 5769-2009

"A Controversy with an Ignoble Purpose" by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week's parasha, parashat Korach, we read of the rebellion that Korach led against Moses, Aaron and G-d.…

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Korach 5763-2003

"Korach's Rebellion: Why is the Jewish Community Losing So Many of its Best and its Brightest?" by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald This week's parasha, parashat Korach, tells the fascinating…

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