Know Your Jewish History

Given the many expulsions that Jews suffered throughout the millennia, recognize how fortunate we are today to be able to live freely and practice our Jewish faith in many countries.

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Know Your Jewish History

Appreciate your freedom of religion and the ability to practice Judaism freely, as it was not always the case in Connecticut.

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Jewish Boxing Days?

In many countries, especially those associated with the United Kingdom, December 26th is known as Boxing Day. There are divergent views as to the source of this day and the origin of the…

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Go Vote! It’s an American and Jewish Value!

Voting in free and fair elections is one of the most profound privileges that Americans and citizens of other democratic countries enjoy. Almost 700,000 American soldiers* have died in…

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Jewish Educational Heroine

Recognize the significant role that Vichna Kaplan played in launching the Beth Jacob schools for Jewish girls in America. As a result of Vichna Kaplan’s herculean efforts, thousands of…

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Study Jewish History

Study Jewish history to appreciate the terrible challenges faced by maranos/annusim such as Dr. Roderigo Lopez during the Middle Ages and be especially thankful that we have the freedom…

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Jewish Boxing Days?

In many countries, especially those associated with the United Kingdom, December 26th is known as Boxing Day. There are divergent views as to the source of this day and the origin of the…

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A Jewish Treats Guide to Visiting the Zoo

Throughout the world, April 8th is celebrated as “Zoo Lovers Day.” The first zoo of record was built in 1752 at the behest of Emperor Francis I in Vienna, Austria. Although it was built…

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Jewish Boxing Days?

In many countries, especially those associated with the United Kingdom, December 26th is known as Boxing Day. There are divergent views as to the source of this day and the origin of the…

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The Pope and the Jewish Prayer for Rain

Did you know that several centuries ago, a Pope impacted Jewish law? Most Jewish events of note are based on the Jewish calendar. That’s why it’s surprising to learn that the date when…

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