A Document Against Anti-Semitism

Fifty-two years ago on this day, October 28th, the Catholic Church officially stopped blaming the Jewish people for the death of Jesus. This ground-breaking statement came after more than…

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Passover 2024-5784

Urgent message: It’s hard to believe that after all these months since the murderous attack on October 7th, that the most challenging situation in Israel continues, not only with little…

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Passover I 5765-2005

"In Every Generation" by Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald Although the scheduled Torah portion for this week is Acharei Mot, I would like to dwell on the theme of Passover, since the festival…

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Never Again

Recent acts of anti-Semitism and tragic events remind us of the words found in the Passover Hagaddah: "In each generation there are those who rise to destroy Jews." It behooves the Jewish…

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Zionism Is Not Racism!

After acquiring control over the territory known as Palestine in the aftermath of its victory in World War I, the British soon realized that there were no simple solutions when two…

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Haazinu/Sukkot 5777-2016

“Sukkot: Enveloping Israel in G-d’s Loving-kindness” by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald The majestic song/poem of parashat Haazinu opens with a lyrical summary of Jewish history. Speaking in…

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Sent Away

If you follow Jewish news, it would be hard not to notice the growing number of reports about increasing anti-Semitism. It is an upsetting fact that anti-Semitism has never really had a…

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Kee Tavo 5774-2014

“Finding Respite” by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald Parashat Kee Tavo is one of two parashiot in the Torah (the other is Bechukotai) that contains the Tochachah, G-d’s reproof of the Jewish…

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Publishing A Solution

While Theodor Herzl is generally credited as the father of modern Zionism, he was not the first to call for the modern, political rebirth of a Jewish nation. Only in 1895 did Herzl come…

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Vayechi 5771-2010

“A Very Imposing Camp” by Rabbi Ephraim Z. Buchwald In this week’s parasha, parashat Vayechi, the patriarch Jacob passes away at age 147 and is brought to Hebron for burial in Ma’arath…

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