Meet Me At The JCC

If you ask a cross-section of Jews what they associate with the initials “JCC,” you may get a variety of answers. That is because the JCC offers a very large swath of services to a very…

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Meet Me at the JCC

If you ask a cross-section of Jews what they associate with the “JCC,” you may get a variety of answers. That is because the JCC offers a large swath of services to a very large variety…

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Irish in Fairbanks

In 1910, while visiting her family in her native town of Dublin, Jessie Spiro was introduced to her second cousin, Robert Bloom. He was eight years her senior and had spent the last…

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The Jews of Hawaii

According to The American Jewish Year Book (2012), there are approximately 7,000 Jews residing in the state of Hawaii. While there was no established community until the 20th century,…

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For The Soldiers

“Over there, over there,Send the word, send the word over there...” As American soldiers packed their duffels to fight on foreign soil in World War I, those who remained behind set to…

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Israel’s First Spy

While religious Jews acknowledge that the creation and continued existence of the State of Israel is a Divine gift, God appoints his messengers to facilitate His work, including…

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For The Mothers And Their Children

Sophie Irene Simon Loeb had no children of her own, but she dedicated her life to fighting for government support for widowed mothers. Her passionate campaign, which started after she did…

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