Yitro 5781-2021
“Structural Secrets of the Decalogue”
(updated and revised from Yitro 5762-2002)
The Torah contains some very powerful subliminal messages that may not be articulated in the text itself, or written in the letters and the ink, but may be found instead in the white spaces. That is why there are many lessons to be learned from simply studying the structure of the Ten Commandments.
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Devarim 5776-2016
“Moses the Stammerer, Becomes a World-Class Orator"
At the Burning Bush, Moses describes himself as “a stammerer and stutterer.” The book of Deuteronomy testifies, however, that the tongue-tied Moses was apparently transformed into a bold and talented orator, whose words resound throughout the world to this very day.
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Mikeitz 5776-2015
“Joseph’s Bold Advice to Pharaoh-–Revisited”
The commentators suggest many answers to the question of why Joseph, the lowly slave boy, has the audacity to tell Pharaoh what to do, in the event that his country is stricken by famine.
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Chukat 5773-2013
"Striking the Stone: the Parameters of Anger"
How lethal is anger? Moses and Aaron lost their opportunity to enter the Promised Land because of a single display of anger.
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Bo 5773-2013
"Interfacing with the Non-Jewish World"
Moses boldly tells Pharaoh that not only will the Israelites not leave their flocks behind in Egypt when they depart, but that Pharaoh himself will donate flocks that will be used by the Israelites in their worship in the wilderness. This declaration raises many thorny issues about the use of non-Jewish resources in Jewish life.
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Acharei Mot-Kedoshim 5772-2012
"Respect for Elders"
Our rabbis suggest that according filial respect and honoring elders are the fundamental building blocks of a healthy society, without which the world would soon revert to a state of chaos.
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Naso-Shavuot 5767-2007
"Honey and Milk Under Your Tongue"
Based on a verse in the book of Song of Songs, the rabbis compare the Torah to honey and milk. What is the source of the great love affair that the Jewish people have with Torah?
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Yitro 5762-2002
"Structural Secrets of the Decalogue"
The Torah contains some very powerful subliminal messages that may not be articulated in the text, or written in the letters and the ink, but may be found instead in the white spaces. That is why there are many lessons to be learned from simply studying the structure of the Ten Commandments.
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