Mikeitz 5779-2018
"Why Did You Treat Me So Badly"
There was but a single instance in Jacob’s life where he complained to G-d about being treated badly. Jacob’s faithful attitude teaches the importance of having faith in G-d at all times, and that even in times of darkness, we must look forward to the dawning of a beautiful sun-filled tomorrow.
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Mikeitz 5776-2015
“Joseph’s Bold Advice to Pharaoh-–Revisited”
The commentators suggest many answers to the question of why Joseph, the lowly slave boy, has the audacity to tell Pharaoh what to do, in the event that his country is stricken by famine.
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Mikeitz 5767-2006
"A Jew Rises to Power"
Pharaoh is faced with the dilemma of appointing Joseph, a Jew, over all of Egypt. Troubled by the choice, he eventually hearkens to the advice of the insightful adage: "Better a wise enemy, than a foolish friend."
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