Masei 5771-2011
“The Never-Ending Journey of the Jewish People”
It is important to carefully consider and review the ancient journeys of our people and learn from them, both the successes and the failures, as we travel on our own personal journeys to our own longed-for destinations.
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B’ha’alot’cha 5766-2006
"With G-d as our Guide"
During their long sojourn in the wilderness, the ancient Israelites were guided by a pillar of cloud during the day and a pillar of fire at night. In effect, all the journeys of the ancient Hebrews were carefully orchestrated and coordinated by G-d. While the Israelites are no longer physically in the wilderness, there is still a great need for contemporary Jews to be guided by the Al-mighty in all their travels and in all their sojourns.
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