Mikeitz 5784-2023
“Chanukah--The Struggle of Joseph and Judah”
(updated and revised from Mikeitz 5764-2003)
Clothed in his coat of many colors, Joseph was betrayed by his brothers and eventually sold to Egypt. His subsequent involvement in Egyptian society is contrasted by Judah's purist, more conventional philosophy. These two viewpoints are echoed in the struggle of Chanukah, as Jews throughout the ages question how much to participate in the culture of the day.
0 Comments11 Minutes
Mikeitz-Chanukah 5782-2021
“What is Chanukah Really About?”
(updated and revised from Mikeitz 5761-2000)
Given the massive assimilation in our times, it is no longer enough to passively light our candles on our windowsills or in our doorways. We must light our candles in our homes, on our tables and in our hearts, thus reaffirming our Jewish commitment. In this manner we may increase the light of our Chanukah candles, until the entire world is illuminated by these lights, spreading the values of our Torah and our traditions to all.
0 Comments8 Minutes
Mikeitz-Chanukah 5764-2003
"Chanukah--The Struggle of Joseph and Judah"
Clothed in his coat of many colors, Joseph was betrayed by his brothers and eventually sold to Egypt. His subsequent involvement in Egyptian society is contrasted by Judah's purist, more conventional philosophy. These two viewpoints are echoed in the struggle of Chanukah, as Jews throughout the ages question how much to participate in the culture of the day.
0 Comments10 Minutes
Mikeitz-Chanukah 5761-2000
"What is Chanukah really about?"
Given the massive assimilation in our times, it is no longer enough to passively light our candles on our windowsills or in our doorways. We must light our candles in our homes, on our tables and in our hearts, thus reaffirming our Jewish commitment. In this manner we may increase the light of our Chanukah candles, until the entire world is illuminated by these lights spreading the values of our Torah and our traditions.
0 Comments7 Minutes