Korach 5767-2007
"Agonizing Over Collective Punishment"
The essence of the argument that Moses and Aaron present to G-d to defend the people of Israel from total destruction because of Korach is their statement "Shall one man sin and You be angry with the entire community?" This argument is at the core of a very real dilemma that the Jewish people face today. What are the parameters, limits and morality of "collective punishment"?
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Haazinu 5763-2002
"Anniversary of September 11th"
The fact that "9/11" occurred during the Ten Days of Penitence may have been G-d's way of urging us to be more optimistic and upbeat about our faith. Hopefully, the clouds will now begin to disperse and the sun will shine through from behind the vast frightening darkness. Perhaps the glow of redemption is at hand.
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