Sukkot 5785-2024
“Sukkot - The Festival of Joy”
(updated and revised from Sukkot I 5767-2006)
The holiday of Sukkot, known as the “Festival of Joy,” was renowned in ancient times for its most festive celebration of Simchat Beit Hashoeva, the festival of the water libation. Around the year 95 B.C.E. when the King of Judea, Alexander Yannai, attempted to change the ritual of water libation, he was pelted by the traditionalists, leading to a massacre of many of the celebrants. While even the minute detail of the Sukkot rituals were sacred to the ancients, unfortunately, most contemporary Jews fail to celebrate Sukkot in any manner, and know absolutely nothing of this very special joyous festival.
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Sukkot 5784-2023
“Worshiping G-d Wholeheartedly”
(updated and revised from Sukkot 5765-2004)
In an affluent society, such as the one in which we live, it is often difficult to find opportunities to worship G-d wholeheartedly. By sacrificing our creature comforts and entering the ill-furnished sukkah, we send G-d a message that we are prepared to give up some of our earthly conveniences for Him. History shows that when we make these sacrifices, we often get paid back--big time!
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Sukkot 5783-2022
“The Seven Protective Divine Clouds”
(updated and revised from Sukkot 5764-2003)
According to the Midrash, the Jewish people were protected in the wilderness from the elements and from enemy attack by seven clouds. Though it is often hard to believe, the Jewish people today are similarly cared for in their exile. G-d indeed shields them. But, it is also necessary for Jews must do all they can to look after their own well-being.
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Sukkot 5782-2021
“A Sukkah Memory”
(updated and revised from Sukkot 5763-2002)
Back in the good ol' days of the Bronx, there weren't many religious Jews, and very few private Sukkot. My father, of blessed memory, was not happy with the drab way the local synagogue had decorated its sukkah, and took it upon himself to redo the decor. The results of his interior decorations surprised everyone.
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Sukkot 5781-2020
"I'm Dreaming of a Warm Sukkot"
(updated and revised from Sukkot 5762-2001)
A rabbi recalls his childhood memories of the festival of Sukkot in the wilderness of the Bronx.
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Sukkot 5780-2019
“A Sukkot Story: Devotion to a Festival”
(Updated and revised from Sukkot 5761-2000)
The great O’heiv Yisrael, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev, taught a wealthy Jew with an Etrog, what it means to be devoted to the festival of Sukkot.
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Emor 5779-2019
“The Gift of Celebration”
Revised and updated from Emor 5761-2001)
Parashat Emor features the celebration of Shabbat and the Jewish holidays--the festivals of G-d and the holy convocations that the people observe at their appropriate times. Proper celebrations are necessary for healthy living. It is important for the community to salute all the seasons of the year, and acknowledge that Shabbat and the Jewish holidays are truly remarkable gifts from the Al-mighty.
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